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Yom Kippur - Sombre Messages and a Win | CAEF Bulletin, October 11, 2024


G’mar Chatima Tovah

This is a time of reflection for Jews around the world, and for remembrance, recommitment, reconnection. The past year has given us much to reflect on-where were we on October 7th, 2023 when the world stood still? Where were we when being Jewish in Canada became a challenging identity, and identity seems to be the only thing that gets attention, seemingly prioritized over basic wants and needs? What is G-d’s plan for the Jews if disrupting sacred and secular life could happen in such atrocious ways and threaten every Israeli? What do we each feel about our Jewish heritage, birthright, and future?

While we are in prayer and reflection, we remember every lesson history has taught us about the strength and endurance of our people. We must remember the gifts of those who came before us and their sacrifices, and recommit to the treasure we have—our faith, our people, our nation. We can do this best by connecting and reconnecting with our friends, family, allies, and our own inner strengths.

CAEF stands steadfast for a proud Zionist future.


A Win in Pursuit of Justice for Jews

The Ontario College of Teachers concluded its hearings on October 10, 2024 into the conduct of Fernanda Caranfa, a former teacher with the Toronto Catholic District School Board. The College found Ms. Caranfa to have committed multiple acts of professional misconduct, relating to several antisemitic postings she made on social media. The College imposed its most severe penalty of permanently revoking the member's teaching license, and also imposed costs of $10,000. Below is a copy of the accusations made against her by the College, which are posted on the College's website. The Complaint was initiated in December 2022 by Michael Teper, Vice President of CAEF.

Read the Notice of Hearing outlining concerns of the OCT Investigation Committee.


National Post Leads the Way in Reporting Accurately

Dave Gordon, Toronto journalist, reported in JNS thatRob Roberts, the editor-in-chief of the National Post in Canada, was “blown away” when he learned that the Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation intended to honor him with a community award for his newspaper’s coverage of Israel.”


Advocate Award Honouree Barbara Kay Interviewed by Brian Crombie

On October 8th Barbara Kay, journalist and recent recipient of the CAEF Advocate Award of Excellence, was interviewed by podcaster Brian Crombie. In this wide ranging, frank and detailed revelation of biased Canadian media, Barbara addresses all aspects of anti-Israel, antisemitic activism.


Insanity and Depravity to consider UNRWA for a Nobel Prize

As reported in the Jerusalem Post, “Despite evidence collected by the IDF throughout the Israel-Hamas War proving that UNRWA workers included Hamas terrorists, the organization has retained its candidacy for a Nobel Prize award after being shortlisted in February. The winner of the prize will be announced on October 11.”

UNRWA’s funding was cut dramatically by the UK, withheld by the US and under the previous Conservative government of Canada, severed completely. It will be again if a Conservative government is elected. Canada’s current government reinstated funding and has increased it, even after the attack on Israeli citizens and foreign nationals.

A petition is circulating to have this nomination cancelled but 12,000 people signed a letter pressing the Nobel Committee to make this award. It is a travesty but might not be a surprise as the world is operating upside down and inside out these days.

Please help add your signature to join this petition AGAINST this outrageous nomination, and please share this with your contacts.


Support a Call to Ban Samidoun, a Terror-Supporting NGO

Read about the travesty that is Samidoun, granted registration in Canada, and allowed to spew its vitriol and hatred on the streets of Vancouver, Ottawa and Toronto, and to post messages and scream epithets that call for the annihilation of Israel, and to even burn a Canadian flag.

There are many wake up calls about the damage and danger of Samidoun which is banned in Germany, in Israel and should be in Canada. This is an unlisted terror organization with connections to the PFLP, which is listed.

Watch the video of the Samidoun inspired mob in Vancouver.

Pierre Poilievre (@PierrePoilievre) posted his message on October 8th calling for Samidoun to be banned in Canada. The Trudeau-NDP alliance has refused to ban Samidoun in Canada despite its clear and direct ties to designated terror groups abroad.

Read Toronto Sun article on the anti-Israel protest and Poilievre’s statement and watch the recording.

Sign here to support Kevin Vuong MP’s petition calling on the federal government to ban Samidoun NOW.

Read about Canadian families who are victims of October 7, suing Iran, Hamas and Samidoun.


Toronto Havdallah for the Hostages

Come and show your support. No one left behind. Bring your flags, and your prayers.

384 Days in Captivity. Havdalah for our Hostages. Saturday October 26 at 8:30PM at Earl Bales Park Amphitheatre


Minister of Education’s Directive Ignored

Sue-Ann Levy reports in True North that October 7 was marked by some schools as a time to protest Israel, in direct contravention of a Ministerial direction. She writes that

“At the end of September, the education minister sent a memo to all Ontario school boards warning them to keep politics out of their schools on Oct. 7.

The memo indicated that classrooms should focus on learning, not politics and that school-related activities should “never be used as vehicles for political protests” that contain inflammatory, discriminatory and hateful content.”

Read the article on how this was ignored and contravened at several schools. Then ask, What next? Who will be held accountable? What are kids learning by these actions and by teachers ignoring anti-Israel propaganda and protests or even promoting them?


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