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What are the Anti-Zionists Defending?


Excerpts from Palestinian Media Watch

Cartoon by Yaakov Kirschen

The above depicts the lovely cooperative relationship between two “peace loving” Arab powers who garnish sympathy and support from European governments, leftist NGO’s, unwitting peaceniks, the EU, UN, Islamist radicals and a host of other antisemites. Have a look at a few lovely models of the immoral behavior of the Palestinian Authority as documented by Palestinian Media Watch. Below are examples of the Palestinian Authority’s policies and practices which should be condemned.

On International Women’s Day:

  • PA’s role models for women include terrorist murderer of 37 Dalal Mughrabi, MP Jarrar, a member of the PFLP terror organization who spent time in jail for inciting to terror, and District Governor Ghannam who as policy glorifies terrorists

  • PA TV News highlights 4 women as “role models of honorable and fighting women”: A poet and a photographer together with terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi and terrorist Fatima Barnawi who placed a bomb in a movie theater

  • Women’s rights activists criticize the PA, pointing out that “only on International Women’s Day” do organizations and institutions talk about women’s affairs, but they take no real action

  • Palestinian Feminist leader Nadia Abu Nahleh: “Women’s affairs are still at the bottom of the political administration’s list of priorities”

  • PA Minister of Women’s Affairs: 24% of Palestinian women receive less than minimum wage from Palestinian employers

Election Highlights in the Arab Sector of the Disputed Territories:

  • Ahead of PA elections, terror organization PFLP emphasizes its goal to destroy Israel, confirming violence and terror is “foremost” means of struggle:

  • “[PFLP emphasized] its firm opposition to recognizing the racist Zionist entity, and its determination to continue with all forms of the struggle, and foremost among them armed resistance, in order to liberate every grain of the soil of Palestine.”

  • Abbas kicks out member of Fatah Central Committee for announcing he will run in elections on separate list from Fatah.

  • In advance of the PA elections, Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub has announced that Fatah urges “all the national activity factions” to run together on a joint list. [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 28, 2021] Rajoub’s statement came after the terror organization PFLP announced its election platform, which included rejection of Israel’s right to exist and a reiteration of PFLP’s long term goal to seek Israel’s destruction using violence and terror.

Reward for Terrorism:

Having now almost completed 10 years in prison, the salary the Palestinian Authority pays to the murderers of the Fogel family is set to rise by 50%, from 4,000 shekels ($1,203) per month to 6,000 ($1,806) per month.

On March 11, 2011, two Palestinian teenagers, aged 17 and 19, brutally murdered Ruti and Udi Fogel and three of their children, Yoav, Elad and baby Hadas.

As part of its “Pay-for-Slay” terror reward policy, the PA has been paying the murderers of the Fogel family a monthly salary since the day they were arrested. As part of this policy, to date, the PA has already paid each one of the murderers 338,400 shekels ($101,847).

The PA’s Influence on the International Criminal Court’s Bias:

Theoretically, the ICC investigation of the “situation in Palestine” is meant to ‎examine the claims that all sides, including Palestinians, have allegedly committed ‎crimes covered by the Rome Statute. Crimes committed by the PA officials would ‎potentially include the incitement to murder Israelis and the PA policy of paying ‎financial rewards to terrorists and their families.

The potential crimes of other ‎Palestinian terrorist groups, such as Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation ‎of Palestine would include inciting and conducting systematic attacks on Israel’s ‎civilian population, including murder, and indiscriminately firing rockets at Israel’s ‎civilian population. ‎

While these actions clearly give rise to concrete suspicions, the PA Minister of ‎Foreign Affairs Riyad Al-Malki has exposed that the PA and the Prosecutor, Fatou ‎Bensouda, have been in constant contact and that Bensouda even gave the PA ‎advance notice of her decision to formally open an investigation, but asked that the ‎PA ”keep it secret”. Al-Malki also explained that PA representatives intend to meet ‎with the Prosecutor in the near future.

Celebrating the Massacre of Israelis—Heroes or Villains?

….with the blood of these... heroes”

  • “The greatest heroic slaughter, which even the biggest states in the world would not have been brave [enough] to carry out or think [of doing]”

  • The Abu Jihad “miracle”…

On March 7, 1988, Palestinian terrorists from the Fatah Movement hijacked a bus transporting Israeli workers to the Negev Nuclear Research Center in Dimona. The terrorists murdered 3 passengers in the attack known as the Mothers' Bus attack because many of the passengers were working mothers. One of the murder victims was Victor Ram, a 39-year-old widowed father of three. The terrorists executed him first to show they were serious about killing hostages if Israel didn’t meet their demands for the release of all PLO prisoners from the Israeli jails. The terrorists also murdered Miriam Ben-Yair, 46, a mother of four, and Rina Shiratzky, 31, a mother of two, before being killed by Israeli soldiers who charged the bus.

Libels, Falsehoods, Jew Hatred:

Did you know Jews are constantly “invading” and “defiling” the Al-Aqsa Mosque?

At least that’s what the Palestinian Authority leaders want Palestinians to believe is happening when Jews visit the Temple Mount. In a broadcast on official PA TV, PA shows footage of Jews at the Temple Mount while text on the screen warns viewers:

“The occupation’s forces and its settlers invade the Al-Aqsa Mosque Jerusalem will not be defiled”

[Official PA TV, Feb. 19, 2021 and Jan. 26, 2020]

  • Fatah at rally with weapons: All of Israel is “Palestine”

  • Fatah is “leading the national battle of liberation” - with kids bearing rifles and man firing RPG

Abbas’ Fatah Movement regularly reminds Palestinians that it has not put down its weapons, reveres the rifle, and is committed to destroying Israel. In numerous statements, Fatah officials have expressed their pride in terror attacks and murders of Israelis, as exposed by Palestinian Media Watch.

Three videos posted recently by Fatah on different Facebook pages are examples of such promotion of violence. Photos of youth and adults marching with assault rifles are mixed with images of Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas while speakers refer to all of Israel as “Palestine” and promise Martyrdom for “Palestine”:

Fatah vows Martyrdom for “Palestine”: “Our souls are presents for Palestine”

PA hypocrisy:

  • PA Grand Mufti prohibits women from traveling abroad alone without a male relative

  • PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge rejects Hamas’ prohibition on women traveling alone

  • Same PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge has explained that in certain situations it is OK for husbands, sons, and brothers to beat women

  • PA leadership in touch with the American administration, the EU, and Israeli authorities to solve problem with terror rewards and “find a solution that will allow the renewal of paying the salaries”

  • Part one of problem solved: PA’s creative scheme to circumvent Israeli anti-terror law and fool donors by making terrorist salaries look like ordinary salaries is well underway - released terrorists are already being incorporated into the PA security mechanisms

  • Part two of problem still unsolved: PA frantically trying to find way to pay imprisoned terrorists without being caught up in Israel's anti-terror legislation

  • PA TV repeats Abbas’ vow to pay terrorists no matter what – even “if we are left with only one penny”

Start Worrying:

According to the Director of the Palestinian Authority-funded PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, the PA leadership is working closely with the US administration, the EU, and Israeli authorities to ensure that the PA will be able to pay the monthly salaries it pays to terrorist prisoners and released terrorists, via the banks in April.

Abu Bakr added that dozens of employees in the commission are working - “even on vacation days” - to guarantee a solution is found to give the terrorists their rewards.

In order to continue paying terror salaries to the 7,500 terrorists already released from prison, the PA has decided to create thousands of new civil service positions, thus camouflaging the payments to the terrorists as if they were payments to government employees. As part of this program, the PA has even recruited the released terrorists into the PA security apparatus.

Significantly, the PA sees no inconsistency enlisting released terrorists, including members of internationally designated terror organizations such as Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine into the PA security mechanisms charged with fighting terror.


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