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We aren’t going away - CAEF Bulletin July 9, 2021

Jean Paul Sartre once said, if there are no Jews in the world, an anti-Semite would invent one.....

The Alliance for Israel and Elisha Wiesel, son of ISGAP's Honorary Chair, z"l Elie Wiesel , have come together to organize the "NO FEAR: Rally in Solidarity with the Jewish People". This rally has the support of every major and most small Jewish organizations in the US, all religious denominations, all federations, cultural institutions, student advocacy groups and more. It is what is necessary—UNITY. On Sunday, July 11, at 1:00pm EST, on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washingtion, D.C., a diverse group of American Jews of all denominations and backgrounds will come together, alongside non-Jewish allies appalled by the present rise of antisemitism to stand together and speak out. Supporters will be united in a shared belief that Jews have a right to exist in peace and security.

More to Come

On July 25th a rally will be held in San Diego, organized by The Shield of David and End Jew Hatred and others. End Jew Hatred Canada, Toronto will stand with Jews across the globe on July 25th, 2:00pm in response to the growing attacks on visible Jews in Berlin and elsewhere. We will stand in unison, blow the shofar, a week up call to demand a safe environment for Jews to wear Jewish symbols. Let it not be Ever Again where Jews are not safe. Watch for more information.


Antisemitism Knows No Bounds

I swear the Jew haters must get up early to create a new hate campaign in so many places, so many ways, so here is one that everyone can address: The medical schools and teaching hospitals at Canadian Universities want to limit exchanges with Israelis, and Israeli institutions. There are a few rabid antisemites who are garnering support and spreading lies. Please SIGN THIS PETITION FROM DOCTORS AGAINST RACISM AND ANTISEMITISM


The Truth About Israel, and Its Population

Listen to Dumasani Washington, founder of the Institute of Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI), spokesperson for Prager University and Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Share this with your friends, family and foes. They all need to know the truth.

Jews are a diverse people, Jews from Arab countries were unrecognized refugees but Canada has recognized this fact. Why are Arabs able to claim refugee status after 73 years when the definition of a refugee is “a person who has been forced to leave a country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.” All of the 900,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries were resettled, were never assisted by the UN or its refugee agency nor by other governments, nor did they collectively or individually ever claim any money –they were forcibly evicted, some were killed, property was taken, citizenship was stripped by the Arab countries, and no restitution paid.

There were always Jews in Israel, and there has been mass immigration due to war, hatred, antisemitism, and persecution. Listen to the truth. We are in Israel to stay.


Jewish/Israel Strength is the Key to Normalization NOT Diplomacy

Avi Abelow, an American Israeli produces daily videos, interviews experts, explains complex issues and states what is directly. Listen to his take on the attacks against Jews in America.


Arabs are from Arabia, Jews are from Judea

Can anyone deny that Jews are from Judea? Yup, the Jew haters, and their creative imagination. It is incredible that Jews are seen as colonists when it was Arab invaders that came to what was Syria-Palestina, and attempted to eradicate the Jews. Check the facts published on Wikepedia, not a particularly friendly source of information about Israel.

“In 629 Palestine was invaded by Arabs from the Hejaz. By 635 AD, Palestine, Jordan and Southern Syria, with the exception of Jerusalem and Caesarea, were in Muslim hands. Jerusalem capitulated in 637.”


Why are the Media Biased Against Israel?

Jonathan Tobin, editor in chief of the Jewish News Syndicate presented an informative, lively CAEF web talk on July 8th to a large audience, generating dozens of questions. Watch now

Read Tobin in July 1st, 2021 article, on why liberal Jews are covering for Ilan Omar, voted #1 antisemite in the US last year.


CAEF Letters on Issues of Concern to the Community


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