On January 17th, Howard Levitt, Canada’s most widely quoted authority on employment law, joined CAEF for a lively webinar on Employment Law in Combating Antisemitism
On January 14th, AFSI and CAEF presented American/Israeli investigative journalist David Bedein, who produces IsraelBehindTheNews.com, the best source available on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). In this webinar, Perspective on UNRWA’s War on the Jews, he showed clips from films he shared with the Knesset the week before.
With American/Israeli investigative journalist David Bedein, who produces IsraelBehindTheNews.com, the best source available on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). David is the author of “UNRWA: Roadblock to Peace," which gives a concise history of the creation and functioning of UNRWA.
These are the 2 movies shown during the Zoom meeting:
These are materials to read and circulate with your network:
Email David here: dbedein@israelbehindthenews.com. For more information and to support David’s continuing investigations of UNRWA , press the "Donate Here" button here.