July 18, 2024
Today, our government is ignoring a new assault on its Jewish citizens and to our democratic way of life. Arab Palestine Racism, APR.
Firstly, “Palestinian “is not a race, and the campaign to add this as a new category to list of “protected minorities,” or a list of marginalized and discriminated against groups, is redundant because people of Palestinian Arab backgrounds are already covered by anti-Islamophobia and anti-Asian racism. Launched in 2022 by the Canadian Arab Lawyers Association (CALA), this new concept has already infiltrated our public school boards.
Although there is no clear legal definition, APR appears to suggest that we need a new category of racism that silences, excludes, erases, stereotypes, defames or dehumanizes “Palestinians” or their “narratives”. So one could be declared guilty of APR for the following :
Disagreeing with the Palestinian narrative of the Nakba, or other narratives like the “right of return”;
Not acknowledging Palestinians as the indigenous people of historic Palestine;
Assigning genocidal or violent intent to “Free Palestine from the river to the sea” which is “hopeful Palestinian poetry”;
Denouncing Hamas and Hezbollah;
Asking why other Arab countries don’t help Palestinians;
Pointing out that the label “Palestinian” for Arabs in Israel and the disputed territories was initiated only in 1967;
Supporting the suspension of Javier Davila, a Toronto District School Board (TDSB) teacher and equity coach who distributed antisemitic documents to teachers that denied Israel’s right to exist, and shared links to recognized terror organizations and vilified Israel.
APR targets Zionism and Israel and therefore, most Jews. Zionism is first of all, the belief in the right to self-determination of the Jewish people in their ancient and forever homeland, Israel. Zionism became a social movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. Anti-Zionism is the belief that the only people in the world that can’t have a state are the Jews. Most Jews consider attachment to Israel a fundamental component of their identity.
At its core, the APR policy is clearly biased against Israel and the Jewish people. Under the guise of political activism, it unjustly attacks Israel and implicitly targets Jews. The policy delegitimizes Jewish historical, legal, and cultural ties to Israel. It’s one sided narrative blatantly condemns Israel and its right to self defense and stifles any criticism – a legitimate part of democratic discourse.
By silencing dissenting opinions and other points of view on Israel and “Palestine” or even aspirations for a Palestinian state, it shuts down free speech. Although, antisemitic incidents have skyrocketed and although there have been no reported incidents of APR, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), on June 18th , voted to incorporate APR within its anti-discrimination policy. There was no recommendation made to address the staggering tide of antisemitism in the public school system nor to consider the parallel request by two board members for condemnation of Anti-Israeli Racism, and adding this to the existing policy on Combating Hate and Racism. Arguments for AIR are as strong as any for APR, especially since it is Israel that is most often vilified and thus harming students with Israeli backgrounds.
Hundreds of protesters gathered together in front of the TDSB building chanting “shame” to protest the vote and the fact that the Board has refused to allow representatives of the Jewish community to speak and voice their concerns, despite their claim that decision-making is based on “community voices”. Jess Burke, the Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Training at the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), warned that the vote “would further polarize and divide Israel, Palestinian, Jewish and or Arab students.” And although antisemitic incidents have tripled, “there is no indication that APR has occurred within the TDSB.”
APR is infiltrating our universities as well. At its annual general meeting in December, the University of Toronto Graduate Student Uniion voted to adopt APR.
A letter to the Minister of Education, Todd Smith, from the grassroots organization Canadians for Israel, states: “This decision directly targets and marginalises the Jewish community, jeopardizes the safety of Jewish students and alienates dedicated educators.” Concerned parent, Aaron Kucharczuk, plans to make a presentation to the Board, which highlights the politicization of TDSB classrooms, such as handouts advocating for sanctions against Israel and teachers decorating classrooms with Palestinian keffiyehs, a headscarf identified with anti-Israel protests. This is not a religious symbol but one long associated with the PLO under Yasser Arafat. Kucharczuk will also show books in TDSB libraries that feature graphics that have removed Israel from maps.
Canadian schools are obligated to provide a safe and supportive environment for all students, the APR policy contradicts these principles and if implemented, could violate human rights and equality standards as enshrined in Canadian law. The adoption of APR vilifies and delegitimizes Israel. It will not only legitimize antisemitism, but erase Jewish history, identity and connection with Israel.
The government must adopt a clear policy that does not allow discrimination of one group against another. When this happens, there must be consequences, such as withholding funds from any institution that does this.
Freedom loving countries must stop this onslaught against our democratic way of life. We cannot allow its values and paradigms – free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of worship – to be weaponized against it.
Jews are always the first, but never the last. Canadian Jews are rightly scared. Everyone else should be too.
Doris Strub Epstein, Editor
Copyright ©2024, End Jew Hatred Canada

End Jew Hatred Canada is the Jewish civil rights movement, fighting for freedom from bigotry, and oppression that denigrates our people, our homeland, our culture. Jew hatred threatens our safety and Canada’s thriving democracy. It comes from all forms of extremism. There is no justice without truth.
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