August 11, 2022
Every year for decades, Palestinian Arab children, some as young as seven, are being recruited to attend summer camps where they receive military training, indoctrinated to hate and kill Jews, obliterate Israel and venerate terrorists.
Here in Canada, children gather around the campfire to sing Kumbaya; Palestinian children gather around the campfire and sing about Dalal Mughrabi, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Fatah fighter who led the worst single terrorist attack in Israel’s history.
You can see the campers’ smiling faces on the Fatah Facebook page, hundreds of them holding Kalashnikov rifles. A video explains that the camp is necessary because “Our battle with the sons of dogs (Israelis) is long and we need a young generation.”

These Palestinian Arab children are not being taught to create a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria. They are told that all of Israel - Tel Aviv, Haifa, everything – is “occupied Palestine” and must be annihilated.
Many like Hilary Clinton are calling it child abuse – the recruitment of innocent children to immerse them in a toxic culture of violence and hatred. A breeding ground for future terrorists.
Brooke Goldstein, human rights lawyer and founder of The Lawfare Project, visited Judea and Samaria in 2007. She was horrified to discover children at summer camps being trained to become child soldiers. She said then, “It is nothing but a form of child abuse”. Her visit resulted in the founding of the Children’s Rights Institute, an organization that “tracks and legally combats violations of children’s basic human rights with special focus on child suicide -homicide bombers, child soldiers and the phenomenon of children as human shields”.
Hundreds of stories have been published about child soldiers, but never about Palestinian child soldiers. The main media are quick to report when a child is killed by an Israeli air strike, but a child trained by Hamas to hate and kill Israelis is ignored.
It is not only the media that turns a blind eye to this violation of childhood, but human rights organizations, Middle East Studies Associations, Teachers Unions who prioritize the well-being of children, Psychologists for Social Responsibility. Every academic who signs statements of solidarity with Palestine – silence.
To their shame, the UN ignores this child abuse of Palestinian children, although they have long condemned the training and use of child soldiers. Every year the UN Secretary-General issues a blacklist of countries held to have committed “grave violations” of the rights of the child”. Palestinians training their children in military tactics, fueling them with a hate-filled ideology that aims to eradicate the State of Israel and commit genocide, is never mentioned
It is high time for Canada to stand up and condemn these camps; to protect these children from child abuse and to call the camps what they are – breeding grounds for future terrorists.
Doris Strub Epstein, Editor
Copyright ©, End Jew Hatred Canada

End Jew Hatred Canada is the Jewish civil rights movement, fighting for freedom from bigotry, and oppression that denigrates our people, our homeland, our culture. Jew hatred threatens our safety and Canada’s thriving democracy. It comes from all forms of extremism. There is no justice without truth.
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