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Press Release: Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art Defiles the Names of its Benefactors


For Immediate Release

March 29, 2022

Montreal’s Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) Defiles the Names of Its Founders, Funders and Contributors—promotes messages of hatred against Jews in lies about Israel

Max Stern must be turning in his grave over the recent antisemitic panel program hosted by the museum in which he entrusted much of his life’s work, his art holdings, books and more. Being a survivor of internment in England as a German, despite being a Jew, and then facing further restrictions and discrimination when transferred as a prisoner to Canada, Stern did much to establish the commercial art scene in Canada. In 1987, upon his death, the Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art was one of the major beneficiaries of works of art from his estate, which subsequently inaugurated the Max and Iris Stern Gallery in 2003. In March 2022 the Museum coordinated an event entitled, Terror Contagion. How the tide has turned, and a beneficiary been forsaken, his memory dishonored, and threats raised against Jews by the shared bigotry and hatred presented by the panelists, without so much as batting an eye or considering historical truths.

This Canadian institution has demonstrated that scholarly work, research and honesty are in not a requirement for its programs.

CAEF urges all Canadians to report this dishonest, treacherous panel of terror-supporters, which was invited by MAC to speak, ironically in conjunction with the exhibit called Terror Contagion. Write to the MAC administration and the various government funders.

Read the full story published by Honest Reporting Canada: See full article

In presenting terrorists to the general public, MAC is furthering terror against all the Israeli victims of Palestinian Arab hatred and lies, and even Jews in the diaspora. Here are direct quotes by Honest Reporting Canada:

“On Sunday, March 13, MAC Montréal, which is funded by the Canadian Government, the Province of Quebec and the Canada Council for the Arts, hosted a virtual panel discussion as part of its ongoing exhibit, Terror Contagion.”

“..creators of the exhibit were Eyal Weizman, an anti-Israel propagandist and Al Haq, a radical Palestinian NGO that was recently branded as a terrorist group by Israel which funded Forensic Architecture’s investigation.”

“The online panel discussion entitled: “Digital Occupation: From Walls to Firewalls”, was hosted by Shouri Molavi of Forensic Architecture, and featured panelists Alaa Mahajna and Eitay Mack, two Jerusalem-based human rights lawyers, as well as Shawan Jabarin, the Director General of Al Haq Legal Center in Ramallah. No pro-Israel voices were included on the panel.”

“In December 2021, Al Haq was designated a terrorist organization by Israel for its ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), arguing that the groups are “controlled by senior leaders” of the PFLP.”

“Though critics predictably have claimed that Al Haq’s links to PFLP are illusory, there is significant evidence connecting them. Jabarin, Al Haq’s leader, was convicted by an Israeli court of recruiting for PFLP, has spent time in Israeli jails, and was also refused exit visas by both Israel and Jordan.”

“In the event, Shawan Jabarin spoke about “colonial” forms of violence in “Palestine”. Saying that all aspects of Palestinian life are controlled by the Israeli “occupation”, both physically and emotionally. He said Israel has a new form of control in the digital sphere where it created programs to monitor and control Palestinians and to take information from Palestinians phones, laptops and then blackmail them into becoming collaborators. He said the Israeli government uses the claim of “terrorism” to justify its use of surveillance technologies.”

“And though the panel discussion was framed by the organizers as being thoughtful and provocative, it was largely a rehashing of tired anti-Israel tropes and talking points with little basis in reality.”

“Moderator Molavi repeatedly referred to “Israel’s settler colonial occupation” of Palestinian land. Despite the frequency of such terms being used to defame Israel, there simply are no facts to buttress the claim. Molavi effectively erased three thousand years of Jewish presence in their homeland, referring to Israeli Jews as “settlers” and “colonists”, but Jews are not newcomers to the land; they have been living in ancient Israel for three millennia. This longstanding presence is proven by evidence both oral and written, and copious archaeological records, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Jewish People are as intertwined with the land of Israel as the soil in the ground.”

CAEF roundly condemns MAC for not exercising good judgment, not doing its homework, and putting out messages of disdain for truth and endangering the Jewish people, both here and in Israel. Lies fuel hatred. Hatred fuels anger, belligerence and bad behavior. Such anger and hatred has been the source of terrorism, murder of innocent Israelis, including children, women, old people, tourists, students, and Arab Muslims and Druze. We call on the government to withhold funds whenever a terrorist or terror-supporter is part of any program by any institution in Canada. We call on the government to withhold funds from MAC and to investigate how this panel was constructed and why. We call on all governments in Canada to uphold the federal commitment to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism which was adopted by Parliament and the Ontario Government.

End Jew Hatred. Stop the Lies!


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