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Press Release: Complaint against Trustee Lulka and the larger question of antisemitism


December 6, 2021

The Working Group to End Jew-Hatred Calls for Justice for Trustee Lulka

On May 23rd 2021, Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Trustee Alexandra Lulka posted on social media that some mailouts to teachers by a staff member were virulently anti-Israel, antisemitic, and jusified suicide bombings. On December 3, 2021 the TDSB Integrity Commissioner declared Lulka’s statement to be discriminatory, and recommended her censure by the Board.

Incredibly, the Commissioner agreed that "some of the materials contained in the links support the use of violence and terrorism against Israeli Jews, including a link to the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (a group that is currently on Canada's Listed Terrorist Entities)." In other words, the Commissioner found none of Lulka's statements to be false. Instead, the Commissioner criticized Lulka for not including in her statement some of the more "positive" aspects of the mailout.

It is absurd to claim Lulka has a duty to discuss "positive" content of these materials calling for violence against Jews and Israelis. The Commissioner's suggestion that when Lulka expressed her concerns, by making truthful statements about these materials, she "perpetuates Islamophobic tropes", is inconceivable and dangerous. It is beyond comprehension to attempt to censure a Trustee for calling out incitement against a marginalized group, and it borders on the ridiculous to expect her to praise any content that calls for violence against Jews and


The Working Group Against Jew-Hate is calling on the TDSB and all Trustees to reject the Integrity Commissioner's Report, as its reasoning and conclusions are completely defective and unreasonable.

Michael Teper, Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto

Gila Martow, MPP, Working Group Coordinator

James Pasternak, Councillor, Working Group Coordinator


For more information, please contact: Becky Battat | | 905-731-8462


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