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Other Voices - CAEF Bulletin, Jan 16, 2024


We Welcome Allies and Israel Defenders

CAEF has a proud history of collaborating with other organizations, Jewish and non-Jewish, and we have featured some of our allies in webinars, all unapologetic Zionists. This issue of the CAEF Bulletin includes some voices of allies.

Please circulate and share, and feel free to send us more examples at

View Philippine buses decorated with messages to bring home the hostages.

A special acknowledgement was extended to the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Canada by journalist Barbara Kay in a recent National Post article. CAEF also expresses appreciation to ICEJ Canada which has provided significant funding to assist Israel, and holds regular prayer services on a global basis, as well as taking important missions to Israel. Read more here.

Imam Mohammed Tawhidi, Vice President of the Global Imams Council, a strong Zionist, points out that the Qur’an recognizes Jews as indigenous to Israel. He has noted in his talks and writings that the third holiest site for Muslims is not in Jerusalem, a place never mentioned in Islamic Holy Scriptures.

Watch the CAEF webinars with Imam Tawhidi

CAEF presents "Islamist Obstacles in the Path of Peace: Implications for Israel and her Neighbours"

CAEF presents "Islamist Obstacles in the Path of Peace" - Main Presentation

CAEF presents "Islamist Obstacles in the Path of Peace" - Questions & Answers


Watch Powerful Webinar on The Zoomer, #ZoomerMedia

The Zoomer brought Jewish and non-Jewish voices together supporting Israel, challenging the Canadian government, confronting antisemitism, in this program moderated by Marissa Lennox with panelists: Raheel Raza, Dalia Al-Aqidi, Mike Fegelman, Avi Goldkind, Rabbi Shmuely Boteach, Vivian Bercovici, and with important video clips from Moseb Hassan Yousef and Luois Ahmed.


CAEF Caption Contest

CAEF proudly announces its inaugural monthly caption contest.  Sponsored by CAEF board member Michael Teper, who will contribute $50 to the Jewish charity of the winner's choice, and $25 to the Jewish charity of the runner-up's choice.

Entries must be received by January 27, 2024 (one per person), with the entrant's name and email address, and be 30 words or less.  Entries will be judged by a Jury of a CAEF Board members on (1) cleverness, (2) conciseness, (3) imagination.

Here is this month's picture, along with a few example entries:

  1. "No I'm not afraid of the Jewish Space Laser! They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..."

  2. "Try to kill me here in Beirut?  Rubbish!  There's a better chance Claudine Gay will resign as President of Harvard!"

  3. "Hello, is this the Management Office?  This is a complaint about a loud buzzing noise overhead.  It's very irritating.  Yes, yes, I'll hold."

Now, prepare and send in your own.  Keep it clean!  Sharpen your pencils!

Send your entry to: by January 26, 2024.

Source of photo to be disclosed after the contest.


DEI is More than Problematic

That Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an antisemitic and divisive ideology by its very nature, is the conclusion of many parents, community leaders and educators across North America. This needs to be exposed and CAEF is bold enough to do so. We have provided expert speakers in webinars who challenge this Woke ideology, and its application in the policies and practice of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

CRT and DEI have permeated educational institutions from grades 1-12 and almost all universities in North America. The upshot is the kind of woke testimony given by three university presidents from three of the most prestigious universities in America. Their responses in a Congressional Committee to the simple question, "Is calling for genocide of Jews antisemitic?", led to their lame, lopsided response that “it depends on the context,” or “if it leads to conduct.” Thus, they have provided proof that higher education is not a ticket to knowledge, nor a demonstration of higher values and quality decision-making. Why would anyone believe the most educated are most noble in the first place? High ranking Nazis came from the elite educated class.  It's a puzzle.

DEI has fallen out of favour in at least some states of America. Now it is imperative to see the damage it is doing in Canada, and learn from the battles and successes of others, as to how to expose and expunge this ideological approach to education.

Listen to Dr. Carol Swain on the challenges of life and how to succeed without government interventions and how to avoid CRT’s racist ideological underpinnings.

Watch Dr. Carol Swain explain which American political party stands for true equality and against racism.

Read Bill Ackman in the National Post on how to fix Harvard U with resignation of President Claudine Gay as a good first step.

Read James Betti in American Thinker on a Jewish exodus from the Democratic Party, the party promoting CRT.

Read 2 examples in Media Research Center (MRC), of DEI extremism that was implemented in corporate settings in the US which led to antisemitic controversies.

John Hopkins Medicine’s Diversity Office came under fire for publishing a divisive and discriminatory 'privilege' list, but swiftly retracted it after facing massive outrage.

Read the controversy and the subsequent apology.

Read about Jewish actors being excluded by diversity policy of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

To the DEI-obsessed progressives, being “White Privileged” is an unforgivable sin and it is only a matter of time before they will turn on their Jewish colleagues. It is more than ironic that many left-leaning progressive Jewish Americans supported the DEI movement, and it has morphed into an antisemitic monster.


Toronto Town Hall Attracts Over 700 People

On January 11, CAEF was proud to partner with a grassroots group called Yalla and Adath Israel Synagogue, in support of Councillor James Pasternak’s call for a community meeting to confront antisemitism, featuring police and politicians.

Serious questions were asked by moderator, Jamie Gutfreund, CP24, of each presenter: Melissa Lantsman, MP, Marco Mendicino, Minister Ya'ara Saks, Robin Martin, MPP and Laura Smith, MPP, Councillor James Pasternak, and Inspector Paul Rinkoff of the Toronto Police Service.

The good news was that the police confirmed they have banned all protests at Avenue Road and the 401 in Toronto which have been bastions of Jew hatred crowds for the past few weekends. The north side of this overpass leads into a Jewish community in which residents feel harassed and threatened by antiZionist rallies mostly on Shabbat. Jews have shown up for counter protests, but we cannot sustain a massive opposition every Saturday, nor should we have to. and it has not been pleasant to hear the horriblly loud hate epithets coming from loudspeakers. Note that the pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel protesters conduct as many as 14 protests each weekend across overpasses from Durham to Oakville, thus distracting traffic, raising noise levels and disrupting communities across the GTA.

More action was called for by the activated audience; many from the local community, from existing Jewish NGOs, synagogues and grassroots groups, all with concerns about the phenomenon of Jew hatred being expressed by these protests. All levels of government were asked to do more than vocalize support.

Read Sue-Ann Levy in True North on Toronto Mayor Chow’s weak response to the protesters.


Know our Enemies

Warren Kinsella writes in the Toronto Sun that paid protesters are a significant part of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

Justin Amler, writing for JWire exposes the truth about two Palestinian journalists who were killed while serving with Hamas, and absolutely not targeted by Israel.

Rachel Mendelson in the Toronto Star on the crisis at the Toronto Metropolitan University’s Law School, as a result of students supporting Hamas.

Rosie Dimanno, in the Toronto Star explores the history and rising tide of antisemitism locally.


Terror Training, Creating Murderers and Martyrs

Watch President Herzog on recent training information found in Hamas headquarters in Gaza.

The Israeli Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen has urged a vote at the UN to oppose the annual UNRWA budget.

Read Palestinian Media Watch article by Itmar Marcus, Jan. 10, 2024: PA’s “pay-for-slay” payments to rise by $1.3 million per month.

  • PA announces: 3,550 new terrorist prisoners since Oct. 7

  • 661 Hamas terrorist prisoners from Gaza

  • 23,210 new “Martyrs” 

  • PA: “Palestine’s Martyrs... are the stars who do not disappear from our skiesThey perfume our land with their deep-red and fragrant blood, and they are more honored than us all.”

Astarta is a new Zionist organization that is building knowledge and action to support Israel. Read one of its latest newsletters, revealing the truth about UNRWA. Read their latest newsletter below.

It's Time to Dissolve UNRWA

The dissolution of UNRWA is aligned with the goals of the war to dismantle Hamas rule, and it is a necessary step in the de-radicalization process of the Gaza Strip. For years Israel did not deal with deep-rooted problems that perpetuated the conflict, including not doing enough to dismantle the mechanisms that sustain the conflict and encourage incitement. UNRWA is the ultimate example.

The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, is responsible for all refugees worldwide, except for the Palestinian refugees, for whom a special agency was created - the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. UNRWA's definition of 'refugee' creates a unique situation: only in the Palestinian case, a refugee status is inherited. Even refugees who obtained citizenship in their country of residence are still included in the tally of Palestinian refugees. Under this distorted definition, there are five million Palestinian refugees today, while after the 1948 War, there were only slightly over 700,000.


Photos from Toronto Rally for Release of all Hostages, marking 100th Day in Captivity

January 14, 2024, Nathan Philips Square, Marking 100 Days in Captivity.

Organized by Avi and Dan Attali and Canadians for Israel with assistance from CAEF and others


100 Days in Captivity Marked at Congregation Habonim, January 14th, 2024

The evening at Congregation Habonim, marking 100 days in which hostages have been held in Gaza featured additional outstanding speakers, including Eli Rubenstein, Religious Leader of Congregation Habonim, Raheel Raza, President, Muslims Facing Tomorrow, Debra Lyons, Special Envoy on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism, Marco Mendicino, MP for Eglinton-Lawrence, a representative of hostage families, of the Iranian community, a Holocaust Survivor, and others.



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