The Lancet Letter Leads to Lies and More Lies
The most esteemed medical journal, The Lancet, has published a letter as reported by Tim Worstall for Accuracy in Media which raises serious questions about accuracy in reporting and bias in a scientific journal.
Here is an excerpt from the AIM article:
“The Lancet – a major scientific and medical journal – has just said that the death toll in Gaza might be 186,000 people. This is not true.
We are not stating – nor insisting, guessing nor even hoping – that any specific number of deaths in Gaza is true or not. But this does raise alarms over the standard of proof of the claim itself and also that “The Lancet” said so.
The piece itself is here. It’s a letter in The Lancet. There’s a technical difference between a letter “to” and “in” a scientific journal but that’s not the point here. What we do need to know is that this simply isn’t subject to the normal standards of scientific checking.” On reading note the claim, besides estimating a large number of unreported deaths, using Hamas Ministry of Health’s data, that there are food and water shortages, and that UNRWA is essential in providing critical services.
Reliable sources have shown that Hamas has hindered distribution of food, that starvation was never a fact that water was cut off by Hamas which used the underground pipes for creating pipe bombs, that Hamas has killed its own people, whether defecting, fleeing or just trying to access humanitarian aid which Hamas steals, hordes or sells on the black market. Additionally, UNRWA personnel in significant numbers have been found to be working with Hamas, and are thus unreliable as providers of aid.
Sadly, the latest misinformation is in service of Hamas and ignores already verifiable facts.

Regavim Update
CAEF invites everyone to read the latest update from Regavim, the organization which fights for the Land of Israel, through advocacy, education and legal proceedings.
Watch video recording of CAEF/TZC/CILR program featuring Naomi Kahn, international Spokesperson, REGAVIM: Fighting for the Land of Israel on Old and New Battlefields.
Do We Believe Antisemitic Violence Won’t Happen Here?
There were antisemites in congress and in parliaments around the world and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
Kanye West and Roger Waters spoke and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
There was blatant antisemitism in the NBA, and they still said “It won’t happen here.” Antisemitic marches broke out in every major city and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
US campuses became infested with antisemites, and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
Jews had their windows smashed and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
Synagogues were vandalized and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
50 synagogues in Florida had to be evacuated due to bomb threats and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
Jews were harassed in the streets and on the subway and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
Jews began to be assaulted in every major city and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
People marched in the streets of NYC waving terrorist flags calling for the annihilation of Jews, and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
Radical Islam started to take over city by city with KFC in Canada going Hallal and islamists winning the election in France and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
A full blown progrom took place in LA and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
A plane from Israel landed in Turkey and the staff refused to refuel the plane, and they still said, “It won’t happen here.”
Antisemites showed up at a Jewish kids’ little league games and random Jewish events throughout America, and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
Full blown antisemites spread their hatred of Jews on mainstream talk shows and on X and they still said “It won’t happen here.”
Then it happened here and they said “We had no idea. There was no writing on the wall!”

New Canadian Human Rights Chief Faces Challenges from Jewish Community
Since word of his appointment as new CEO of Canadian Human Rights Commission, Birju Dattani, has faced a barrage of criticism and calls for his appointment to be rescinded, due to social media postings he made in his youth, under a pseudonym that authorities initially said were not disclosed. In the CBC report here, the government states these were disclosed. In other articles, the apologies since made, have been deemed insincere and his views now unreliable for those seeking justice from someone that must be seen to be objective, neutral, fair minded and absolutely not antisemitic.
Read Tyler Dawson in National Post, describing Jewish community’s call for Dattani’s dismissal.
Read National Post article by Catherine Leveques on Liberal vetting process.
McGill Encampment Dismantled—Findings include Filth, Drugs, Foreigners
In an article in the Epoch Times, by Jennifer Cowan, the President of McGill University, Deep Saini, reported on the escalating, danger, antisemitism, intimidation, property damage, and disturbance caused by the encampment. He also said, ““Few members of the McGill community are in the encampment: Most people are activists from external groups,” and added that at least one member came from outside the Montreal community. CAEF notes that many have speculated on foreign interference, funding and direction of the entire university encampment movement across North America.
Read article: of Iranian funding of anti-Israel protests.
The Holocaust in a Cultured, Educated, SocietyWhat’s the Lesson?
It has to be mentioned over and over, that a study by a US NGO reported that antisemitism is proportionally higher among the most educated people today, and highest among DEI staff and consultants. Many in academia, media, politics, are very cultured and sophisticated, but no less bigoted towards Israel and Jews. Woke ideology is prominent at most North American universities and in all cases, it is anti-Jewish. This is not a misinterpretation. DEI has become the paradigm for divisiveness and racism. “Intelligence is NOT synonymous with morality!”
Read Reports from The Heritage Foundation on woke DEI’s bias, failings and outcomes that are harmful, here,here and here.
Listen to late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on YouTube episode of J-TV, founded by Oliver (Ollie) Anisfeld, a UK student who had the support of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and Lord Kestenbaum.
Israel hating Authors Boycott Giller Prize
How might one describe the motivation for any self-confident Canadian author choosing to boycott the biggest literary event in Canada—The Giller Prize, established in by Jack Rabinovitch in 1984, to recognize and reward literary greatness? Originally valued at $25,000, it has increased to $140,000 through a partnership with Scotiabank, and is now called the Scotiabank Giller Prize. The Prize promotes Canadian literature, encourages conversations about the books, authors, and the Canadian literary community as a whole. More than 20 authors pulled their books recently and signed a letter indicating they are boycotting the prize as the sponsoring bank has investments in an Israeli military related company. CBC reported, the following: “Canlit Responds, (is) a group that initially formed to protest charges laid against several of the demonstrators who disrupted the 2023 Scotiabank Giller Prize ceremony. The demonstrators were drawing attention to Scotiabank's investment in Elbit Systems, which produces a range of military technology and equipment.”
One can consider that ignorance contributes to the decision by some to sign such a letter, some to malevolence towards Israel, some to simply “going along to get along.” The net result is that we might consider that ignorance is no excuse for supporting antisemitic behaviours. None of these authors deserves the prize this year or any following year.
The Woke Left and Jihadi Islamists Against the World
Watch impressive panel arranged by AHA Foundation of Muslim reformists, critics, and commentators addressing Western audience, organized by the Clarity Coalition and moderated by Collin May who has personally experienced cancelling in Canada.
Watch AHA Foundation panel in which several Muslim speakers explain how the freed themselves from Jew hatred, and the lies of Islamism.
Here is an excerpt from Clarity’s website:
“..a global coalition founded by Muslims, ex-Muslims, academics, scholars, authors, and activists who stand for peace, democracy, liberty, and secular governance and who are deeply concerned by the continuing threat posed to these values by the actions and demands of Islamists in various places around the world.
We embrace democratic values founded in reason and critical debate and the fundamental freedoms set forth in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.
We support liberty and dignity for all persons, including women and girls, and whether or not one is Muslim.”
Click to see more about Clarity Coalition.
“Anti-Palestinian Racism”, another nail hammered into planks of Jew Hatred
Honest Reporting Canada monitors all media antisemitism across the country, provides steps for action by readers and regular podcasts. Listen to Robert Walker’s interview with Dr. Casey Babb, Senior Fellow with the Macdonald Laurier Institute, an International Fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, and an Associate Fellow with the Royal United Services Institute in London.
Recipe for Antisemitism
People often ask, Why, why is there antisemitism. I think this “recipe” provided by Josh Ravitch, explains it well.
Today’s antisemitism..” fits the historical formula. Take Jews, add unstable society, economic uncertainty, weak political leaders. Then whip in fear + blood libels & basic Jew hatred…mix thoroughly & serve deadly cold.
The only thing that changes is the timeline.”
"Anti-Semitism is always a means rather than an end; it is a measure of the contradictions yet to be resolved. It is a mirror for the failings of individuals, social structures and State systems Tell me what you accuse the Jews of -- I'll tell you what you're guilty of."
Vasily Grossman, Life and Fate
Support UNRWA, Support Terrorism
CAEF has often noted that Canada is complicit in funding the training of terrorists to kill Jews! This is an indisputable fact, given all the information available that shows UNRWA schools across the region that includes Israel, Lebanon, Gaza, the disputed territories, and even Arab dominated Jerusalem, use texts approved by the PA, that nullify Israel’s existence, glorify martyrs that murder Jews and call on students to learn to be jihadists, to aspire to kill Jews.
CAEF has shared videos and school text info to no avail, with elected parliamentarians. Now, we share the most up to date research provided by the Israel Defense and Security Forum, documenting the extent of UNRWA’s role within Hamas.
Christians Defending Israel
Read a letter from Donna Holbrook, National Director, ICEJ Canada
Dear Andria,
The nations of the world are engaging in a legal war against Israel in addition to the physical wars she faces to the north and south.
The United Nations General Assembly asked the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion on whether Israel’s administration in the territories of Judea and Samaria captured in 1967 amounts to an “illegal occupation.”
These legal actions are all the contemptible fruit of a deliberate, long-term Palestinian strategy to use lawfare tactics to force a division of the Land of Israel to unilaterally create a Palestinian state, which would then carry on their relentless campaign to eradicate Israel.
This is an ominous development, and as Christians, we must awaken to the lateness of the hour. We are currently only one vote away in the UN Security Council from the nations imposing division of the Land, including Jerusalem, in a way that could trigger the divine judgment of the nations warned of in Joel 3:2:
I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my Land.
Last week, 800 Christian leaders and intercessors from around the world gathered in The Hague to stand against this legal assault on Israel and pray for our nations. This gathering, entitled The Trial, issued a decree in Israel’s defense directed to the International Court of Justice.
The CANADIAN Church must speak loudly and clearly, not only for Zion’s sake but for the sake of our own nation. Add your voice to the voices of those who gathered at The Hague by signing The Decree today!
For Zion’s sake,

Recommended Viewing
The American Case Against Palestinian Statehood, presented by The Heritage Foundation and Israel365News, moderated by Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, featuring a panel of security and political experts.
On May 7, Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fl) and Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) introduced a bipartisan bill to direct the Secretary of State to recover any federal funds that have been disbursed to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Read full story.
Watch Rep Mast make a clear statement about the purpose and necessity of this Bill.
Thanks Florida for your Unwavering Support, and Message on License Plates

This is a vanity plate, signed into legislation by Governor Ron DeSantis is now available to Florida drivers. A portion of revenue will go to support first responder organization, Hatzalah, in Miami Dade area.
Advocacy and Action
Read Letter from Larry Shapiro to Montreal Gazette.
Read Letter from Richard Sherman to NY Times.
Read Letter from Richard Sherman to Irish Times.
Read letter from Richard Sherman published in Cleveland Jewish News on BDS.