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Letter to the Editor of The Justice from Richard Sherman, Florida re Truth about Hamas


Dear Letter to the Editor:

Those academics, politicians, members of the media,  and millions of others who support Hamas in their  ongoing war against the Jewish people that Hamas continued by breaking a cease fire on October 7 have to recognize that they are supporting the murder of every Jew on earth. The UNREVOKED Article 7 of the Hamas Charter demands that every member and supporter of Hamas murder every Jews on earth.

Israel is not mentioned in Article 7. The “ occupation” is not mentioned in Article 7. Zionism is not mentioned in Article 7.

Hamas has not revoked Article 7 because the murder of every Jew on earth is its raison d etre.

That is why on October 7 Hamas did not single out Israeli Jews among the 1200 Jews from all over the world that they savagely murdered.

If you were a Jew -- as Article 7 makes clear -- you were murdered.

It is simple  - if you are a politician or an academic or a member of the media or anyone else  and you do not support the Jewish people’s existential self defense after October 7, the you support Hamas’s documented commitment to murder every Jew on earth. One cannot claim ignorance or nuance. The UNREVOKED Article 7 is explicit. To support Hamas is to support its Charter which demands  the murder of every Jew on earth. Hamas has declared it since 1987. Believe it!

Richard Sherman, POB 934853, Margate, Florida 33093 (646)267-7904.


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