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Letter: To PM Re: Israel's Legal Rights


The following letter signed by over 275 Canadians from across the country was sent to all MPs and select media on June 29, 2020. If you wish to be added, send an email to Andria Spindel, with your name, profession or trade, and city of residence:

June 29, 2020

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Government of Canada

Re: Israel's Legal Rights

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and Members of Cabinet,

We write to you today to ask that you acknowledge Israel’s independence and legal rights to act as a sovereign nation in resolving its own conflicts with its neighbors, settling land issues within its borders, and establishing and providing civil and human rights to those who live within its borders.

Today, many countries are attempting to dictate to Israel as to how and when it should resolve the 100 year old conflict perpetuated by its Arab neighbors and residents. While the reconstituted Jewish state is only 72 years old, the Jewish people have been working to re-establish their historical home in Israel for almost 2000 years. Their legal rights were acknowledged by the world community in April 1920 at the San Remo Conference of the victorious Allied Powers, when the last colonizers, the Ottoman Turks were finally removed from the area. The San Remo Resolution was then adopted by all members of the League of Nations and was a foundational principle in the founding of the United Nations. Arab resistance and intransigence commenced even before the state was proclaimed.

The original land granted under the Mandate system was significantly larger than all of Israel today and included Judea and Samaria, (generally referred to by the media as the West Bank) as well as the land that became the Kingdom of Jordan. Over many decades, Israel has offered land to settle the hostilities to which its neighbors are devoted. Every offer made since the 1948 Declaration of Independence has been rejected by the Arab states, making it rather obvious to any astute observer that the only acceptable outcome for the Arab world is that Israel should cease to exist.

Today, there are Arab nations willingly working with Israel and two long-term peace agreements, yet many countries in the world continue to betray Israel and expect and even demand that this very tiny country give up more. Suffice it to say, this is not a matter for other countries to dictate.

We call upon the government of Canada to support Israel’s proposal to extend sovereignty in an area already legally its own, granted by the San Remo Resolution and the UN resolution which still has merit under international law as it was never abrogated. Israel’s land rights stand firm today.

Israel’s sovereignty is the only guarantee that can protect its citizens and non-citizen residents, and anything less risks more lives from belligerent antisemitic enemies who have never given up their one goal—the demise of Israel.

Israel is not the problem! The initiative to find a peaceful solution has always come from Israel and not the Palestinian Arab Authority (PA) and its terrorist partners, the PLO, Fatah and Hamas. Today it is common knowledge that the PA is paying terrorists to kill Jews, teaching Jew-hatred in its schools, denying Israel’s existence, denying the Holocaust that killed 6,000,000 Jews, and fabricating stories daily about Israel, while Israel provides the Arabs with medical and technical assistance, security, funding for services, and access to jobs. More than that—the Israeli Arabs enjoy all the benefits of a democratic society, which is denied to the Arabs who live under PA or Hamas rule.

Do not make the mistake of preferring the false PA narrative and discounting Israel’s rights, its historic and legal claims and its democracy. Do not choose a terrorist regime over an ally. Recognize that the PA does not grant equal rights to women, bans or punishes LGBTQ people, jails political dissidents, does not allow freedom of religion or freedom of expression, raises children to venerate suicide bombers deny historical facts and commit other atrocities. Do not succumb to the antisemitic campaigns now being waged against Israel within Canada and globally. Canada should at minimum be consistent in expressing its values.

We call on the Government of Canada to recognize Israel’s legal rights and support its democratically elected government, (a coalition government representing over 75% of the population), and NOT oppose its decisions in regards to Judea and Samaria, decisions that affect the fate of Israel.

This letter is supported by Canadians across the country, whose signatures you will find below.


Andria Spindel, Executive Director &

Anita Bromberg, President


Rabbi Erwin Schild, CM, Rabbi Emeritus, Adath Israel Congregation, Toronto

Irving Weisdorf, Business owner, Founder the Mozuud Freedom Foundation, Richmond Hill

Shirley Anne Haber, Teacher (ret), Founder of CAEF, Toronto

Sean Egan, PhD., Research scientist, Toronto

Carrie Katz, community leader, Toronto

Lloyd Duckman, retired accountant, Toronto

Joan Shapero, community leader, Toronto

Goldi Steiner, Co-chair, Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights, Toronto

Judith Weinroth, MD (retired), Toronto

Rabbi Moshe Meirovich, Rabbi, Toronto

Harvey Haber, retired businessman, Toronto

Dr. Stuart Kamenetsky, psychology professor, Toronto

Dr. Jack Muskat, psychologist, Toronto

Dr. Ruth Muskat, psychologist Toronto

Michael Baigel, business owner and community leader, Toronto

Dr. Howard Tenenbaum, Dental faculty, Toronto

Janet Corey-Skobac, Teacher & artist, Toronto

Sydell Waxman, Author, Toronto

Mendl Malkin, MD (ret), Toronto

Vivienne Grace Ziner, property developer, human rights activist, Toronto

Dr. David Nussbaum, psychologist, Allen K. Hess Institute, Vaughan

Judy Feld Carr, C.M., Mus.M., Mus.Bac., LL.D., L.H.D., Toronto

Sam Fishman, President, Kehilat-Shalom Synagogue, Calgary

Allen Weinberg, Barrister and Solicitor, Toronto

Chani Aryeh-Bain, community activist, federal Conservative Candidate of Record, Toronto

Evelyn Jacobs, MAOT, community activist, Toronto

Paul A. Jacobs, B.Sc., JD, community leader, Toronto

Susan Silverman, Retired Executive, Toronto

Israel Lachovsky, community activist, Calgary

Dianne Zeifman, medical office manager (ret), Toronto

Joseph Schier, lawyer, Toronto

Dogan Akman, Crown Counsel, Federal Dept of Justice (ret), Ottawa

Lauren Isaacs, student, Director Herut Canada, Toronto-Jerusalem

Ron East, Publisher, Winnipeg

Dr. Irwin Fuss, dentist (ret), Dundas

Larry Zeifman, chartered accountant, Toronto

Arnold Silver, B.Eng., M.B.A., Toronto

Marilyn Gomberg-Silver, M.Sc. Speech Language Pathologist, Toronto

Arnold Silver, BEng. MBA, Toronto

Andy Rechtshaffen, Computer programmer, Toronto

Glenda Kleiman, Internal Auditor (ret), Toronto

Aryeh Rothman, Arad Israel, Canadian citizen

Agnes Blima Rhodes, Real Estate Agent, Canadian in Jerusalem

Sarah A. Arnold, Pre-school Teacher, Toronto

Etta Kaner, Teacher (ret) & author, Toronto

Deborah Vale, teacher, Toronto

Donald Carr O.Ont. QC, Toronto

Rabbi Gary S. Zweig, Rabbi, Toronto

Rabbi Michael Skobac. Rabbi, Toronto

Sylvia Segal, Toronto

Daniel Nurgitz, Graphic Designer, Vaughan

David Nitkin, Ethicist, community leader, Toronto

Simone Cohen Scott, Certified Esthetician (ret), Winnipeg

David Stambler, Digital Designer & Project Manager, Vancouver

Raheel Raza, President, Muslims Facing Tomorrow, Toronto

Sohail Raza, President, Forum for Learning, Toronto

Joe Gemeiner, Businessman, Toronto

Renanah Gemeiner, BA, DTATI, Co-Founder, Canadian Jews and Friends of Yezidis, Toronto

Diane Weber Bederman, Chaplain, author, journalist, Caledon

Ronda G. Stoller Wunsch, B.A., M.A., Certified Yoga Teacher; Case Manager, Teacher, Toronto

Pastor David J. Cummings, Hamilton Christian Fellowship (ret) Campbellville

Karen Solomon, PhD., psychologist, Toronto

Jeffrey Lipton, MD, Professor of Medicine, Toronto

Ellen Warner, MD, Professor of Medicine, Toronto

Wayne Wolfstadt, DDS, dentist, Toronto

Sheryl Wolfstadt, RN, Toronto

Naomi Weitz, Community volunteer, Toronto

Arthur Weitz, Optician, Toronto

David Lazarus, Windsor

Carolyn Lazarus, Windsor

Harold Lipton, Community Volunteer, Calgary

Ed Schild, Social Service Agency Executive, Thornhill

Brenda Schild, Community Volunteer, Thornhill

Miriam Finkelstein, Windsor

Dr. Sheldon Finkelstein, Physician, Windsor

Howard E. Warren, BA, JD, FDRP Med, Barrister at Law, Toronto

Hetti Pfeiffer, Outremont

Sydney Pfeiffer, Outremont

Aaron Weinroth, Biomedical Engineer, Thornhill

Nancy Weisbrod, Community leader, Toronto

Sarah Laiken, Communications & Marketing, Toronto

Evelyn Goldfarb, Lawyer, Toronto

Dr. Dorothy Devorah Pullan, Toronto

David Bernard Pullan, Toronto

Lil Feinstein, Teacher (ret), Calgary

Judy Schwartz, Burlington

Ruth Sheps, Teacher (ret), Toronto

Lorraine Hanser, Teacher, Toronto

Keith Ray, Realvest Management, Toronto

John G Chris, Lawyer, Toronto

Judi Moffat, Toronto

Louise Lewin, Professor of French (ret), Ajax

Bill Narvey, Lawyer (ret), Winnipeg

Ruth Adelman, Dental hygienist (ret), Toronto

Joe Kislowicz, Software Sales, Thornhill

Dr. Michael Pascoe, Physician, Toronto

Bev Rotman, Insurance Broker, Toronto

Norman Camerman, Professor Emeritus, Toronto

Brian Young, Retired, Toronto

Eva Halter, Mental Health Case Manager (ret), Thornhill

Rochelle Rabinovitz, VP,Calgary Council of Christians and Jews, Calgary

Elaine Chelin, Real Estate Representative, Toronto

Margie Telegdi-Smith, Caseworker and teacher (ret), Stouffville

Jack Zlotnik, Lasalle

Jonathan Glaser, Project Coordinator, Thornhill

Dr. Richard L Pass, Physician, Thornhill

Dr. Larry Dian, Clinical Professor, Vancouver

Dr. Chere G. Penny, Physician, Victoria

Elena Aschkenasi, Technical Writer, Thornhill

Stephen Posen, Lawyer, Toronto

Greg Fisher, Insurance Analyst, Vaughan

Janice Yudin, Systems Analyst (ret), Montreal

Elli Murack, Retired, Burlington

Candi Zell, Administrator, Public Service (ret.) Toronto

Joseph Soer, Realtor, Toronto

Chris Brock, Administrator, Federal Government (ret), Nepean

Lorri Kushnir. LLB, MLS, BA, Toronto

Melvin Perlmutter, Dentist (ret), Toronto

Michael Diamond, Lawyer, investor, business owner, philanthropist, Toronto

Nancy Moore, ESL Teacher (ret), Mill Bay

Mark Zimmerman, Producer of Live Theatre & Concerts, Toronto

Bernard Feinstein, President, commercial real estate brokerage & Broker, Toronto

Doreen Lurie, Review Officer with Pay Equity Commission (ret), Toronto

Barry David Barnes, Member of the Refugee Div, Immigration and Refugee Board (ret), Toronto

Howard Rotberg, Lawyer, Publisher, author, property developer, Hamilton

Barbara Abrams, Toronto

Shirley Molot, Burlington

Eileen Shapero, Teacher (ret), Toronto

Guido Smit, Business executive (ret), Toronto

Cindy Seligman, Teacher (ret), Toronto

Frances Halperin, Businesswoman (ret), Thornhill

Howard Isenberg, Lawyer and business executive (ret), Thornhill

Joel Eisenberg, Teacher (ret), Toronto

Frances M. Dvorchik, Secretary (ret), Toronto

Norman Franks, Chartered Public Accountant (ret), Vancouver

Danielle Weisman, Music Teacher (ret) and composer, Toronto

Jordan Mancini, Ultrasound Technician, Xray & Gamma Radiation Technician, Edmonton

Sarah Silverberg, Property Manager, Toronto

Larry Kraus, Lawyer, businessman, Toronto

Robert Abrams, Toronto

Brucha Kazman, Teacher (ret), Toronto

Barrie Wilson, Professor Emeritus & Senior Scholar, Toronto

Gerald Pulvermacher, Ph.D., Industrial/Organization psychologist & businessman, Ottawa

Phil Spevack, Winnipeg

Gary Brown, President, Gary Brown Holdings Limited, Toronto

Judi Moffat, Housewife, Waterdown

Dr. Lorne Greenspan, Physician, Toronto

Marc Koplowitz, Lawyer, Toronto

Dr. David Nimmo, University Educator (ret), Toronto

Charles Cooke, Lawyer, Thornhill

Mark Lapedus, Mortgage broker, Toronto

William F. Smyth, Professor, Hamilton

JG Willheim, Medical Technologist, Montreal

Barak Eitan, Steam Fitter, Edmonton

Murray Rubin, Businessman (ret), Toronto

Joseph Lebovics, CPA, Toronto

Edith Lebovics, Administrator, Toronto

Salim Mansur, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, London

Michael Caplan, Toronto

Arnie Glickman, Financial Manager, Toronto

Barbara Barnes, Toronto

Jim Matheson, Writer, Toronto

Jerry Tellinsky, Retired, Thornhill

Elizabeth Gelb, Teacher (ret), Toronto

Albert Cohen, CPA CGA, Toronto

Roy Wise, Lawyer, Toronto

Pierrette Winter, Retired, Vancouver

Dr. Julio Szmuilowicz, Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Toronto

Dr. Marvin Levant M.D., Physician, Calgary

Gerry Nemiroff, Law Professor (Ret), Winnipeg

Molly Neufeld, Realtor (ret), Toronto

Doris Epstein, Journalist, Toronto

Jennifer Badani, Saleswoman, Thornhill

Mark Golding, Investment Manager (ret), Toronto

Beverley Scheckter, Social Service Agency Executive (ret), Calgary

Joseph Edward, GSM, B.Com., Dip.Arch.Sc., CSHM, CHSMSA, CFM, PMP, Toronto

Leigh Halprin, Lawyer, Researcher Writer, Mediator (ret), Human Rights Advocate, Winnipeg

Claire Benezra, Teacher (ret), Jeweler & volunteer, Executive Assistant, Thornhill

Norman D. Yan PhD FRSC, Senior Research Scholar, Toronto

Evelyn Goldfarb, Lawyer (ret), Toronto

Kimon Michaelides, Academic, Toronto

Robert Di Francesco, Educator (ret), Dundas

Sharon Moss,Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd., Toronto

Rochelle Wilner, Toronto

Julius Diamond, President, IMI, Marketing Consultancy, Toronto

Banjoo Tan, Toronto

Marcia Cosman, Toronto

Esther Petroff, Retired, Toronto

Bryan Ceresne, CPA, Thornhill

Helene Bauer, Teacher, Toronto

Dr. Lawrence Hart, Professor of Medicine, Ancaster

Dr. Sharon Marcovitz, Ancaster

Saul Perlov, Mortgage Broker (ret.), Toronto

Don Lafontaine, Research scientist with Agriculture Canada, Toronto

Herma Lafontaine, Registered Nurse, Toronto

Howard Bockner, Alexander Technique Teacher, Toronto

Elaine Kopman, Alexander Technique Teacher, Toronto

Peter Ekstein, Self Employed, Toronto

Marsha Eines, Teacher, Toronto

David Zacks, Lawyer Q.C., Vancouver

Dr. Laurence Klotz, CM, MD, FRCSC, Member of the Order of Canada, Toronto

Debbie Talker, Retired, Thornhill

Rev. Hilda S. Chen (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada), Clergy, Ottawa

Ophira Sone, Housewife, Toronto

Allan Switzer, Businessman and Artist, Vancouver

William Switzer, Businessman (ret), Vancouver

Sandi Leibovici, Dentist (ret), Toronto

Barbara Grossman, Lawyer, Toronto

Renee Brettler, Teacher (ret), Toronto

Philip Robins, Businessman, Thornhill

Sharon Zeiler, Dietitian, Toronto

Sylvia Saunders, Teacher (ret), Ottawa

Michael Bernstein, Teacher (ret), Thornhill

Annette Rapoport, North York

Norman Gardner, Thornhill

Gail Gardner, Toronto

Earl Gardner, Thornhill

Stephen Gardner, Toronto

Lisa Gwartz, Thornhill

Sari Shear, Thornhill

Gersh Sone, Toronto

Sheila Sone, Toronto

Dr. Terry Rosen, Oshawa

Nathan Rosen, Oshawa

Shirley Solomon, Thornhill

Les Kottler, Thornhill

Zohara Marcovitch, Thornhill

Helen Stollar, Toronto

Frank Toplitsky, Retired, Guelph

Bernice and Nate Leipicger MSM. P.Eng. LLD. (Hon). Retired, Toronto

Gerald Swartz, Professor (ret), Toronto

Miriam Ziegler-Goldberg, Retired, Thornhill

Martin L. Lazar, MD, FACS, Canadian in Dallas, Texas

Malka Arluk, Vice President Commercial Marketing (ret), Innisfail Marie Adam, Mill Bay

Lee-Anne Alter, Bank Rep, Thornhill

Nancy Doell, Chilliwack

Yosi Derman, Social Worker (ret), Toronto

Sarah Granatowicz, Volunteer and Past President, Canadian Hadassah Wizo, Toronto

Richard Brooks, Retired, Toronto

Dr Martin Chasen, Physician, Toronto

Pamela Chasen, Occupational therapist & Textile artist, Toronto

Marion Hooton, Peterborough

Murray Charles Kaufman, Retired Civil Servant, Toronto

J Stephen Lipper, Blogger, Toronto

Harriet Dickman, Retired, Mississauga

Haya Newman, Teacher (ret), North Vancouver

Debbie Talker, Retired, Thornhill

F. Katz, Federal Policy Advisor (ret), Ottawa

Sasha Weisz, Hamilton

Harry Blaier, lawyer, Toronto

Janis Flowers, Legacy Builder, Mississauga

Martin Goldberg , Dentist (ret), Vancouver

Bernice Leipicger, Teacher (ret), Toronto

Nate Leipicger, MSM. P.Eng. LLD. (Hon). Retired, Toronto

Bernard Shuster, Pharmacist (ret), Montreal

Yvette Perlov , Retired, Vaughan

Frances Hellen, Toronto

Yehudit Shier Weisberg, Educator, Canadian living in Jerusalem

Esfir Pekar, Clerical, Toronto

Elaine Weber, Teacher (ret), Winnipeg

Leor Ekstein, Car Salesman, Toronto

Judy Rodkin, Teacher (ret), Winnipeg

Louis Rodkin, College Teacher (ret), Winnipeg

Harry Blaier, lawyer, Toronto

Steven Scheffer, Retired, Burlington

Frances Weingarten, Teacher (ret), Canadian living in Israel

K. David Brody, Translator & author, Montreal

Sharon Haniford, Lawyer, Toronto

Kathy Jackson, Hamilton

Frank Giesbrecht, Nanaimo

Lucille Giesbrecht, Nanaimo

Toba Balaban, Teacher (ret), Toronto

Evelyn Breslin, Volunteer & Advocate for Development Services Sector, Toronto

Robert Rosenbaum, Right at Home Realty Inc. Brokerage, Toronto

Randy Moulton, Software developer, Winchester

Rev. Robert Graham , Presbyterian Minister, Rosemont

Alan A. Shapiro, Associate Professor Economics (retired), Toronto

Miriam Miller, Social Worker (ret), Toronto

Barb Churcher, New Westminster

David Freudenstein, Information technology professional, Toronto

Agnes Imani, Chef and instructor, Founder of Jews against Antisemitism, Thornhill

Simon Cort, Chartered Accountant (ret), Toronto

Marilyn Newman, Outremont

Stephen Schaefer, retired school social worker, Toronto

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