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Letter from Richard Sherman to NY Times re Unconditional Surrender: Abe, FDR, Harry and Bibi


November 12, 2023

Dear Letter to the Editor:

Nicholas Kristof fails to understand or willfully denies what Presidents Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and Harry Truman understood and Premiere Netanyahu understands: evil only understands its it own death. ("We Cannot Kill Our Way Out of this Endeavor")

President Abraham Lincoln understood that when fighting the evil that was the Confederacy and demanded unconditional surrender... not a cease fire. President Franklin Roosevelt understood that when fighting the evil that was Nazi Germany and demanded unconditional surrender... not a cease fire. President Harry Truman understood that when fighting the evil that was Imperial Japan and demanded unconditional surrender... not a cease fire. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu understands that when fighting the evil that is Hamas it demands unconditional surrender... not a cease fire. It is not complicated. Evil only understands its own death. Mr. Kristof distracts from Israel's mission with the sympathy-grabbing "How many dead Gazan children are too many?" Did Lincoln delay unconditional surrender by pontificating "How many dead children of Atlanta are too many?" Did FDR and the Allies delay unconditional surrender by pontificating "How many dead German children out of the 6.6 million German civilians killed were too many?" Did Truman delay unconditional surrender by pontificating "How many dead Japanese children are too many?" No. No. and No. Premier Netanyahu just like them understands that as soon as there is unconditional surrender...with the evil of the antisemitic genocidal kleptocracy of Hamas extinguished , then and only then will children and everyone else in Gaza prosper. It is not complicated. Evil only understands its own death. Richard Sherman

Margate, Florida


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