Dear Letter to the Editor:
Apparently the McGill Daily Editorial Board in its effort to produce fictional narratives of Palestinian Arab victimhood must deny the Palestinian Arab people even a scintilla of agency. ("Resolutions of Resistance")
The reality is that in a surprise attack that violated an existing cease fire on October 6, 3800 Hamas sociopaths and 2200 Gazan civilian willing executioners murdered, raped, beheaded, eviscerated, disemboweled, and machined gunned as was done at Babi Yar over 1200 Jews from all over the world on October 7.
Over 240 Jewish civilians including infants, small children, young girls and Holocaust survivors were kidnapped, dozens since sexually assaulted and murdered..
See:"Ordinary Gazans' and Oct 7: Hatred Among the Population and the Massacre", Professor Jeffrey Herbst, former President of Colgate University and Chairman of the Department of Politics at Princeton University, New York Daily News, 11/14/23)
Oct 7 includes the fact that hundreds of Jewish women, girls, infants and Holocaust survivors were sexually mutilated with their breasts sliced off and their vaginas sliced wide open as Muhammad's kidnapping and sexual enslavement of 1000 Jewish girls and women in Medina in 627 as described in the Koran was emulated.... The mutilation and death throes of these Jewish women and girls captured on cell phone video by Hamas sociopaths and Gazan civilian willing executioners and now available on the Internet for Hamas and their enthusiastic supporters of the murder of 1200 Jews on October 7 at McGill University and in the mainstream media and academia to perversely celebrate.
( See: "Screams Without Words': How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct 7", NY Times, 12/28/23);
Evidence Points to Systemic Use of Rape and Sexual Violence by Hamas in Oct 7 Attacks," Beth McKernan, The Guardian, 1/24/24; "U.N. Team Finds Grounds to Support Reports of Sexual Violence in Hamas Attacks", NY Times, 3/5/24)).
(See: "Screams Before Silence", Directed by Anat Stalinsky. Presented by Sheryl Sandberg).
The McGill Daily's Editorial Board's obfuscation of the koranic slaughter of Jews on October 7 and in Hebron in August 1929(see: "A New Shoah: The Untold Story of Israel's Victims of Terrorism" by Italian historian Giulio Meotti, 2010) as well the Arab incineration while alive of 79 Jewish doctors, nurses and medical students in the Hadassah Hospital Convoy massacre in April 1948 (See: " On This Day: 79 killed by Arabs in Hadassah Convoy Massacre 74 Years Ago", 4/13/22, Aaron Reich, Jerusalem Post) is critical to its fictional narrative of Palestinian Arab victimhood which notwithstanding the above denies the Palestinian Arab people in an act of pure paternalism any agency.
Further the McGill's Daily's calumny of "Palestinian genocide" by the Jewish people of Israel, ignores the actual numbers which preclude anyone except a virulent antisemite from finding "genocide".
1947/1948: 1 million Arabs from the river to the sea;
2023/2024: 11 million Arabs claim to be Palestinian.
Genocide? Genocide??
With a staggering population increase like that, some well intentioned people might be suggesting birth control.
But genocide? Give me a break!
Richard Sherman, Florida