To Colleen Russell-Rawlins,
Director of Education,
Toronto District School Board
November 22, 2023
Dear Director,
There appears to be a somewhat peculiar individual on the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) and School Council for Valley Park Middle School.
She makes very disturbing social media posts that are homophobic, sympathetic to terrorism, and peddle false antisemitic blood libel theories.
For example, she is apparently hot and bothered by the idea of former Premier Kathleen Wynne having appeared in a mosque while being "openly gay".
Maybe this one is not the best choice for engagement by the TDSB? Especially these days given stories like this in the Toronto Star?
Perhaps today is a great opportunity to invite her towards the egress?
Best regards,
Michael Teper
Bahira Abdulsalam's post about Israelis stealing Palestinian's organs:

Bahira Abdulasam's post glorifying Hamas as the courageous Palestinian Resistance:

Bahira Abdulsalam's homophobic post about Kathleen Wynne:

Valley Park Middle School - School Council:

From: Russell-Rawlins, Colleen
Date: Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Bahira Abdulsalam
To: R. Michael Teper
CC: Ryan Bird, Audley Salmon
Mr Teper, Thank you for your email alert. Colleen Russell-Rawlins Director of Education Toronto District School Board