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Letter from Marvin Rotrand to Hon. Rachna Singh, Minister of Education & Early Child Care - B.C. RE: Teaching of the “Nakba” in the social studies and history curriculum in Grades 6 and 12



March 28, 2024

Honourable Rachna Singh

Minister of Education and Early Child Care

Parliament Buildings

Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X4

Dear Minister Singh,

You may recall that during the time I served as National Director for the League

for Human Rights of B’nai Brith that we worked together on improving Holocaust

education in British Columbia.

Today I write on behalf of United Against Hate Canada, an ad-hoc organization

of persons of diverse religious and racial origins. Our mission is to foster dialogue and

understanding among our diverse population so as to reinforce efforts to combat hate.

We have been contacted by a number of concerned individuals regarding a request

that will be sent to you by the British Columbia Federation of Teachers (BCTF)

to include the teaching of the “Nakba” in the social studies and history curriculum

in Grades 6 and 12.

The request is antisemitic, denying that Jews are indigenous to Israel, their historic

homeland where the Jewish people have resided since time immemorial. The Nakba is

a false concept which laments the inability of the Arab states during their unprovoked

invasion in 1948 to destroy Israel.

The Nakba is a theme which is promoted by terrorist groups that are proscribed

by Canada. The purpose of Nakba is to delegitimize the Jewish state and to provide

political cover for those such as Hamas who have waged constant war against Israel.

We urge that as Minister you make a clear statement that the BCTF request which

stems from its 2024 Annual General Meeting is odious and will have no echo with the

Government of British Columbia.

An early such statement on your part to reassure Canadians that there is no place

for antisemitism in British Columbia’s schools would be most welcome.

Yours truly

Marvin Rotrand

Interim Director General

United Against Hate Canada

c.c. David Eby, Selina Robinson, Mike Lee


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