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Join the Fight Against Jew Hatred | CAEF Bulletin - Jan 10, 2023

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Watch Corey Margolese talk about Stronger Together, a conference about recognizing, defining, and fighting antisemitism through education.


How the Social Justice Movement Promotes Antisemitism

David Bernstein, a self-declared liberal, with many years of experience in Jewish left-liberal organizations found himself outside the pale and unable to influence the Jewish organization of which he was an exec as it became more woke, more leftist, more distant from his own values and from support for Zionism. He became determined to do something about this evolving wokeism that alienates Jews and that alienates people from Jews. His book came out recently, and is a must read.

Watch this interview of David Bernstein with FAIR, Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism, a pro-human, anti-woke organization, in which David explains how the left is promoting antisemitism.


Lies, Lies and More Lies—the Left and Western Press

The more that politicians, media and academics lie about Israel, the more harm they create for the Jewish people worldwide. Recent hysteria over the visit by MK (Member of the Knesset) Ben-Gvir to the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, was claimed to be almost a seditious act, a threat to war. Within Israel itself, within the UN (never useful to judge anything) and across Leftist organizations including Jewish NGOs and even religious denominations, this aroused spiteful, unwarranted lies and more lies.

Melanie Phillips explains it well, “western liberals have lost all connection with reason over issues of race, gender and western “colonialism.” She stated in her Substack blog on January 6th that “a Jew walking for 15 minutes on the site that is most sacred to Judaism...without fanfare or media attention, early in the morning when the compound was almost empty, and didn’t pray there or say anything to stir up trouble.. provoked uproar with claims that it was an extremist act, that it was likely to spark a new terrorist war and even — this from a Ha’aretz columnist — that Ben-Gvir was leading Israel ‘on the road to hell’.”

Melanie Phillips, a British journalist, broadcaster and author, writes a weekly column for JNS. Currently a columnist for “The Times of London,” her personal and political memoir, “Guardian Angel,” has been published by Bombardier, which also published her first novel, “The Legacy,” in 2018. Go to to access her work.

Read the full article and ask yourself, do Jews have equal rights in Israel?


Threats Don’t Make for Peace

Incomprehensible is the fact that the UN Security Council would meet to discuss the walk on the Temple Mount by a religious Zionist, unarmed, unthreatening, not praying, but visiting the most important Jewish religious site. Has the UNSC met to discuss how Iran is murdering innocent teenagers who object to the antiquated interpretation of Islam by radical old men who allow child marriages? Is the UNSC meeting to condemn advances in nuclear arms by North Korea, threatening peace in the whole world? Is the UNSC meeting to consider Turkey’s incarceration of the most journalists of any country, all suspected of being critical of the current regime? Nope, the dopey, inane, ineffective UNSC meets to condemn Israel over one man’s walk in honour of his faith and a desire to demonstrate that he has the right to do so.


The Inhuman Anti-rights Council of the UN

A message from Hillel Neuer, CEO of UN Watch.


The Christian Truth of Israel

One of the largest Christian organizations in the US and UK, that is strongly Zionist, is Christians United for Israel (CUFI) and Jews should know and be supportive of our Christian allies. CUFI UK recently circulated this information.

  • Israel’s Christian community increased by 2% in one year; 5% since 2019.

  • Arab Christians are thriving in Israel with 53% entering further education compared Israeli Jews (48%) and Israeli Arab Muslims (31%).

  • In contrast, Palestinian Authority figures show a decline in the Christian population in Palestinian territories.


The End Jew Hatred Report

End Jew Hatred is the civil rights movement of the Jewish people and in Canada it is promoted by CAEF. All Jews are welcome to join, all organizations that support Jewish rights and Jewish activism, Zionism and the legal rights of the indigenous Jewish people to the land of Israel, are encouraged to get involved. Visit the End Jew Hatred Canada website to learn more.

Once a month, journalist and EJH Canada volunteer, Doris Straub Epstein, produces the End Jew Hatred Report which is sent to every elected member of federal, provincial and territorial governments in Canada and all Senators. This month Doris wrote about the role that Canada plays in rewarding terrorism against Israelis by funding the unaccountable donor-funded, UN founded United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which foments murder of Jews.


Murder Jews for Pay—That’s the Palestinian Authority Law

It is beyond horrible, indescribable hatred, that the Palestinian Authority, the “elected government” of the Palestinian Arabs who live in Judea and Samaria, and make claims to that land and more for a Palestinian state, currently incentivizes the murder of Jews. They offer significant financial reward—a lifetime salary for the murder of Jews; and the amount increases with the status and number of Jews they kill. Families of such terrorists receive the salary if the murderer dies while committing such crimes. And the world court? Says nothing. And the United Nations? Says nothing. And the European Union, governments across the globe, and the media??? Absolutely silent!

The Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research is not silent. Read this article from David Bedein, the founder and an active investigative journalist. Help the Center do more by donating to their current campaign to raise funds for documentary films taken in the so-called refugee camps and amid the schools and other places of PA indoctrination.


Broken Society, Doomed Universities

Alana Newhouse, editor of Tablet magazine spoke at the recent conference on antisemitism held in Hamilton, Ontario, explaining a paradigm of “brokenness” to understand the current flux in society. She suggested that traditional media are less relevant and social media use intense, fevered emotional messaging to move people. The rise in antisemitism is an indication of the level of brokenness, which in turn contributes to isolation which itself enhances the feelings of ‘brokeness.” She urged people to be brave, to do something, to be truth tellers.

Along with Bari Weiss and Dara Horn, both noted authors, Alana’s message culminated with an urgent call for Jews to learn their history, and the wisdom of our heritage.

Another use of the analogy of “broken” is that applied to a strategy urged by Yael Lerman, head of the Legal Department with StandwithUs in the US. Her article appeared in the Algemeiner on December 28, 2022 and is a call to action, not passive dismay, but steps to address every incident of Jew hatred.

“In criminology, the “broken windows” theory holds that by responding vigilantly to small crimes, we help prevent larger crimes by sending the message that our community will not tolerate law-breaking and will not allow criminals to gain the upper hand.”

A deep dive into what is harming universities in the US and Canada is described by Victor Davis Hanson, a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness and the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is an American military historian, columnist, a former classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. Hanson often addresses the problems created by and inherent in the extreme leftism that has dominated universities, some academic associations, Western media and social justice movements over the last few decades. This is a serious description of “brokenness.”

“Left-wing indoctrination, administrative bloat, obsessions with racial preferences, arcane, jargon-filled research, and campus-wide intolerance of diverse thought short-changed students, further alienated the public—and often enraged alumni.”


Excerpts from SPME’s, BDS Monitor, January 4, 2023

Scholars for Peace in the Middle East publishes a great deal of research and information about antisemtism in academia, studies on antisemitism in various arenas, and actively campaigns to stop academic associations from adopting anti-Israel, BDS motions.

The most recent issue of BDS Monitor had significant information on the latest actions of the University of Toronto, in NOT countering antisemitism, despite the message from the President, Meric Gertler, about all they are doing to combat this problem. Here is an excerpt:

“In a statement the university president asserted that the IHRA definition was “both insufficiently responsive to many of the most troubling instances of antisemitism in the university context and in tension with the university as a place where difficult and controversial questions are addressed. Freedom of expression and academic freedom are individual rights. Protecting these freedoms is essential to our university’s mandate and mission of discovery, research and education, which can only thrive in an environment of free expression and critical inquiry. The remedy for dealing with controversial speech is more speech, not less.” By casting the university’s support of IHRA as infringement on individual rights, the University Toronto implicitly endorses an institutionalized viewpoint of discrimination, such as that of student organizations which ostracize ‘Zionist’ speakers.”

CAEF agrees with this view. See letter to President Gertler below in this Bulletin.

Other important news from SPME is excerpted below.

“In Virginia a commission appointed by Governor Glenn Youngkin released its report on antisemitism in the state. The report cited instances of anti-Israel bias, including evidence that ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ administrators were pervasively biased against Israel, and also criticized former President Trump for meeting Kanye West and white supremacist Nick Fuentes. The report, and an open letter from the Virginia Attorney General, recommended the state adopt anti-BDS laws and that Youngkin use his executive power to ban BDS on campus.”

“Finally, in Great Britain, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stated in a letter to a pro-Israel group that the Conservative government would find a way to formally ban BDS and to expand trade with Israel.”

“Street level antisemitic violence against Jews also continues to rise. In this regard the release of hate crimes statistics by the FBI was sharply criticized since it omitted data from New York City, Los Angeles and Miami, the former two locations having seen dramatic increases in violence targeting Jews in the past few years, largely by African Americans. The FBI blamed local officials for not providing data but the larger picture is of law enforcement reluctance to provide data that demonstrates precisely who is targeting American Jews.” of the University of California at Berkeley Law School after student organizations adopted a bylaw prohibiting ‘Zionist’ speakers from appearing on campus. The investigation will address “whether the university failed to respond appropriately” to complaints “from Jewish law students, faculty and staff that they experienced a hostile environment at the law school based on their shared Jewish ancestry.” The dean of the law school had criticized the student groups but the university claimed it was powerless to act against this viewpoint discrimination and related harassment. Mainstream media coverage continues to claim that the student government pledge to bar ‘Zionist’ speakers was a free speech issue rather than institutionalized viewpoint discrimination.”


Advocacy and Action

CAEF sent this letter to the National Post on January 2nd, 2022 in response to an article by journalist Barbara Kay which addressed federal government funding of people and programs that were clearly antisemitic. The letter added substantive information to the subject of “The Anti-Israel Money Train,” and it was subsequently published on Saturday, January 7, 2023.

In response to the wonderful 3 page spread and cover story on Israel, celebrating its 75th anniversary in the National Post, with promises of more to come, CAEF sent a letter of congratulations and added this comment: “Zionism is the belief in the Jewish right of self-determination in the ancient homeland of the Jews. Plain and Simple. Our enemies cannot usurp the word and define it as something it isn’t! Zionism is a huge motivator for the wonder that is Israel.”

CAEF letter to University of Toronto President, Meric Gertler in response to his published letter addressing campus antisemitism.


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