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Hatred Has No Bounds; Danger Follows | CAEF Bulletin, June 28, 2024


The UN ignored the rape of Israeli women - on International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict

Hamas is Getting away with Rape. Act Now:

Read article by Hadassah on the latest outrage by the UN against Jews, and sign their petition.

Read US acknowledges the Oct 7 rape of Israeli women.



Jews in Toronto have much to worry about in the latest escapade dealing with antisemitism at the Toronto District School Board. After many reported, and confirmed, incidents of antisemitism, in multiple schools and grades, in and out of the classroom, the Board ignored calls for action by the Jewish community for protection and prevention. Instead the Trustees adopted a vague new “category” for protection against hate to be added to the TDSB’s Combating Hate and Racism policy. See reference from a news story.

Over 500 people came to the TDSB head office to demand change; for the board to actually address skyrocketing antisemitism in a meaningful way and for the board to rethink its proposed adoption of APR. Instead, “tonight the TDSB approved a strategy for anti-Palestinian racism and then immediately decided to send a letter to the Minister of Education asking for guidance on how to keep geopolitics out of schools,” as eloquently summarized by Aaron Kucharczuk in the National Post (below)

Read story on TDSB response in The Star.

Read in the Spectator (UK) about the consequences of applying the construct of Islamophobia to shut down communication about what people don’t like about Islam and the danger of outlawing criticism.

Read article in The Epoch Times by Barbara Kay on Ontario school policy encouraging antisemitism.

Read National Post on Anti-Israel tirade at Ontario high school.


Summer Camp for “Anti-Israel” Training in Montreal

While the city of Montreal and province of Quebec, along with McGill U have all failed to shut down the anti-Israel encampment, they have proven as ineffective in condemning and shutting down a summer program, operated under the auspices of the leftist/Islamists camp, now teaching Jew hatred to children.

Marketing for the proposed camp includes images of Hamas, and a program of more than dubious, more like dangerous, quality. Here is how it is described in the article by Warren Kinsella:

“The first week will focus on ‘the history of the Palestinian resistance.’ The second, ‘the ongoing Nakba’– Nakba being the Arabic word for catastrophe, and what Hamas has said is the ‘natural extension of the Palestinian people’s right and resistance.’

Week three will be focused on ‘different fronts of the movement.’ The final week is about ‘media after October 7.’”



In January a group of Canadians came together to form an organization to combat hate and promote cross cultural dialogue.

The organization took the name United Against Hate Canada and defined its mandate as:

  • promoting cross cultural communication with a focus on dialogue between different religious and racial minorities;

  • combatting the unprecedented upsurge in antisemitism witnessed in Canada over the past months;

  • promoting dialogue between Jews and Muslims in Canada;

  • highlighting the contributions of the many diverse communities to Canada’s well being and success including promoting the heritage months of racial and religious minorities;

The first few months have been successful and have included events with the Black, Jewish, and Filipino communities. 

We are pleased to share the announcement that  United Against Hate Canada is now registered and is committed to vigorously promoting its mandate.

For more information or to view the web programs held to date, see feature story in the Canadian Jewish News (CJN).


Watch This Clip of Mary Tyler Moore, Confronting Antisemitism


Finally, Canadian Government has Designated IRGC as a Terrorist Entity

Iranian and Jewish communities finally see results after 6 years of campaigning to have the Government of  Canada do the right thing, add the IRGC on the terrorist list. This will enable the government to restrict funding to any associated groups, any actions and even limit the entry to Canada of people associated with the IRGC.

One of the people who has been at the forefront of campaigning to have the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organizations, is Goldie Ghamari, MPP.

Goldie Ghamari

Goldie Ghamari has been a stalwart defender of human rights that has meant so much to our country.  Through her tireless activism, Goldie Ghamari has taught us so much about Women's rights in Iran and the history of the Iranian people. With the Jewish community under attack, Goldie is one of the few politicians brave enough to confront antisemitism wherever it may be, just as she has with anti-muslim bigotry and all other forms of hate.

MPP Goldie Ghamari was at the forefront of this successful campaign to list the IRGC and we thank her for as it means making Canada safer. The attacks on Goldie Ghamari, the first Iranian-Canadian woman to be elected to office, from fringe factions are an example of the misogyny and racism that women of colour face while speaking out for human rights and we stand with her against hate.

Thank you Goldie for all you do.

CAEF also thanks Salman Sima and Daniel Bordman who have persistently raised the issue of Canada listing the IRGC as a terrorist entity, and brought the Iranian and Jewish communities together on this and other issues.


Jews Stand with Hindus at Commemoration of the Air India Terror Attack

On June 23rd, Canadians of Indian background stood together at a memorial at Queen’s Park to remember those 329 people who died 39 years ago in an Air India plane that was blown out of the sky by Khalistani militants. Wikipedia describes the event, “Air India Flight 182 was a passenger flight operating on the MontrealLondonDelhiBombay route, that on 23 June 1985, disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean as a result of an explosion from a bomb planted by Canadian Sikh terrorists. This was the largest terror attack on Canadians, of whom 268 were among those killed.

Standing with the Indian community were many Jews with whom CAEF and others have made common cause in our fight against extremism, against antisemitism and Hinduphobia.


Interfaith Relations, Building with Allies

CAEF has been at the forefront of working with Allies in many communities, including Iranian, Hindu, Indigenous Canadian, and Christian, as we seek to support one another in good and bad times. Our challenges are different but similar, and our love and respect for one another and Canada, bring us together.

On June 24, CAEF was proud to be a co-sponsor of a wonderful event, presented by The Interfaith Bridge The, a new organization initiated by Holy Blossom Temple and Timothy Eaton Church, both in midtown Toronto. A program hosted by Rabbi Yael Splansky and Rev. Dr. Jason Byassee, was deeply meaningful, covering topics from the history of antisemitism, the Holocaust and today’s Jew hatred, to actions to be undertaken by every freedom loving Canadian. Spokespeople includes students who have seen the Jew hatred on their campuses and were repulsed. Non Jewish allies give hope and encouragement to our Jewish community.

Interfailth Bridge Event Collage

See letter from Christian churches in GTA that Stand with the Jewish community against Jew hatred.


Letters to Zionists and a Clear Message to Stand Loud and Proud

Dahlia Kurtz, radio host, columnist and activist spoke clearly and from the heart on June 27 at the Lodzer Centre Congregation, sponsored by Tafsik, co-sponsored by the Lodzer Centre and CAEF. She gifted us with her sensitively told personal stories of antisemitism, of the heroism of her father who fought it decades ago in Canada, of the passion and compassion she showed in interviews with Holocaust survivors, and in her personal battle to confront this plague of Jew hate. Dahlia had a budding successful career, until she took on speaking about Israel, defending Israel’s right to defend itself against the savagery and genocidal intent of Hamas, and the concomitant hate on our streets by terror supporters.

Dahlia Kurtz Collage

Dahlia had set out to write one story a few years ago, but instead gifted us with a slim volume titled, Dear Zionist, You are Not Alone. The book includes 18 individual letters of “hope and light,” encouragement, and steadfast support for the people of Zion and our love of homeland. With a warm and even “affectionate” presentation style, Dahlia Kurtz shared hope and humour with an audience eager for these feelings in our time of such stress.

Dear Zionist, You are not alone: 18 Letters of Hope and Light Kindle Edition:


Jews Around the World Fear News of Possible Escalating War

Cartoon by Yakov Kirschenbaum: Iran Directing Traffic in the Gaza War... Away from the Target
Cartoon by Yakov Kirschenbaum


Recommended Reading

Read German Government Recognizes BDS as extreme terrorism.

Read Daniel Pipes, Middle East Forum, on Destroying the Ideology of Islamism and Declaring Victory.

Read JNS on the deep rot of the United Nations.


Advocacy and Action

Letter from Marvin Rotrand to Ontario Minister of Education Todd Smith, re combating antisemitism.

Recommendation Letter from Marvin Rotrand, UAHC to Deep Saini, President & Vice Chancellor, McGill University.


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