They are home!
Watch videos from Tel Aviv, sent by CAEF Board Member, Avi Attali. Celebrate the return from Gaza of 3 women kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, 2023.

Celebrate First Phase, Pray for Second
People were jubilant across Israel and the world as the first 3 hostages were released from Gaza, passed to the International Red Cross, and then to waiting, anxious but well prepared Israeli medics. We can’t begin to know how Romi Gonen, Emily Damari, and Doron Steinbrecher feel, how they survived, nor what their recovery will look like. They and their families have endured unspeakable pain, and now require our continued love and support, respect, patience, prayer.
Israel is still being held hostage, by an unrelenting torrent of misinformation, disinformation, delusional lies, extraordinary leftist-Islamist antisemitism, and despicable anti-Israel opportunistic politicians at all levels of government in the West, and the UN machinery of injustice. We wait, with baited breath, to see if soon- to- be President Donald Trump will effectively turn the tide as a champion of democracy, freedom, and of Israel.
And, in Canada, we also hope to see our Federal Government stand up for Israel’s ongoing right to defend itself, and to bring home all the hostages, and that it not commit to failed policies that support furtherance of the terrorist agenda and policies that benefit either Hamas or the Palestinian Authority.
CAEF prays for all remaining hostages to be released, soon, and Hamas to be vanquished.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Where is Palestine?
The map below, published by Israel’s Israel Foreign Ministry, “created a massive stir” as reported by Bible365, when published to its Arabic language Twitter feed. “The map was based on the borders of the kingdoms of Judea and Israel as they were in 928 BCE.” Accompanying the map, Israel Arabic states; “Did you know that the Kingdom of Israel existed 3,000 years ago?” “This division led to political conflicts throughout the history of the people of Israel, and its effects continued for hundreds of years.”
Read article here and note responses to map by Jordan, UAE and X posters.

Recommended Reading
Read article by Amy Rosenthal, co-Founder of the North Carolina Coalition for Israel, in JNS, on how art about Palestine became antisemitic.
Read article by Mika Hackner of the Institute for Liberal Jewish Values in the Jewish Journal about APR, Anti-Palestinian Racism, emanating from Canada, and its negative implications for Jews.
Read excerpt from the Jewish Journal.
“If you thought that the adoption of ‘liberated’ ethnic studies in California was bad for Jews, the latest mutation of this ideology coming out of Canada, ‘anti-Palestinian racism,’ should have you worried. Like a virus, these radical pedagogies know no boundaries. What began in Canada is spreading throughout the United States.”
“On June 20th, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) incorporated the term ‘anti-Palestinian racism’ in its ‘Combating Hate and Racism Student Learning Strategy’ as well as professional development seminars for school administrators and educators.”
“What is ‘anti-Palestinian racism?’ Well, the TDSB did not bother to define it. However, the framework of ‘anti-Palestinian racism (APR)’ has been most fully expressed by the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA), which originally promulgated the curriculum.”
“According to ACLA, APR ‘silences, excludes, erases, stereotypes, defames or dehumanizes Palestinians or their narratives.’ This may be done by denying the ‘Nakba’ (the supposed catastrophe of Israel’s creation), ‘justifying violence against Palestinians,’ ‘defaming Palestinians and their allies with slander such as being inherently antisemitic, a terrorist threat/sympathizer or opposed to democratic values,’ and denying Palestinian indigeneity to ‘occupied and historic Palestine.’"
So, there you have it—teaching truth, such as-- there is not now nor has there ever been a country called Palestine could be deemed APR. In Toronto schools history must be denied, such as 4000 years of Jews in historic Israel proving Jewish indigeneity, and years of offensive wars by Arab armies, including their failure to annihilate Israel in 1948 declaring it a Nakba, truly a humiliating defeat. One assumes that maps of the region that name Israel but not ‘Palestine’ might be considered evidence of APR. The map on the Arab Lawyers Association site names the land Palestine, showing no Israel, but that is acceptable racism.
Neither the Board of Trustees nor the union (OSSTF) agreed to add Anti-Israel Racism to their list of offenses but denying the Jewish homeland meets the grade. Shame on TDSB and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation, and the Ministry of Education, for not coming out and declaring this preposterous erosion of education as unacceptable.
Read article by Danielle Cohen in Jewish Insider, a good news story from the International Court of Justice, appointment of new President, Judge Julia Sebutinde the dissenter in all ICJ motions against Israel.
Read article by Alan Dershowitz in Gatestone Institute, about the real reason there is no Palestinian state.
Read excerpt here:
“No one, therefore, should believe that it was Israel that has made the Palestinian people stateless. It was the Palestinians themselves... The current anti-Israel protesters in the West are not calling for a Palestinian state living in peace alongside Israel.”
Recommended Viewing
Watch latest video from Masha Kleiner, explaining all the links between antiZionist Jewish NGO’s. It is well researched, well worth watching. Entitled 50 Shades of Pseudo Zionism.
Watch 14-Year-Old New Jersey Teen Makes October 7 Documentary
Watch interview by Avi Abelow, Pulse of Israel with David Bedein, Director of Nahum Bedein Center of Near East Policy Research on UNRWA’s complicity in Gaza war, and schools educating kids to kill.
Watch Truth to Power with Dumisani Washington, Episode 29: Jimmy Carter- Father of the Islamist Capture of America.
Advocacy and Action
CAEF comments on trial of anti-Israel protester in Toronto, January 20.
On January 20, 2025, at 9:00 AM Courtroom 201, Omar Elkhodary will face a charge of Assault with a hate motivation enhancement at the Ontario Court of Justice, 10 Armoury Street. The charge stems from an incident in November 2023, when Elkhodary allegedly assaulted a person attempting to install posters of the Israeli hostages in the neighborhood of Yonge St. and Empress Ave. in north Toronto.
The trial took place at the Ontario provincial courthouse at 10 Armoury St. Toronto. Like all criminal defendants in Canadian courts, Elkhodary is entitled to be presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Members of the community were entitled to observe the trial.
CAEF has communicated with the Crown Attorney's Office and prepared a Community Impact Statement to be filed with the court in the event that Elkhodary is found guilty.
CAEF is monitoring multiple criminal cases against several defendants arising from the anti-Israel protests in Ontario over the past three years.
Letter from Richard Sherman, Florida, to McGill Daily re genocide and other lies against Israel.
Letter from Larry Shapiro, Calgary to The Lancet, re bias against Israel in all its recent reports In reponse to an article on Traumatic injury mortality in the Gaza Strip from, Oct 7, 2023, to June 30, 2024: a capture-recapture analysis, Zeina Jamaluddine, Hanan Abukmail, Sarah Aly, Oona M R Campbell, Francesco Checchi, January 18, 2025.
Gabe Oatley wrote in Toronto Today January 17, 2025 about an issue that seriously affects Jewish students in the TDSB.
“A committee of Toronto District School Board (TDSB) trustees voted on Wednesday night to advance a motion to ask the provincial government to create a mandatory equity, diversity and anti-racism certification for all Ontario teachers.
The motion — passed unanimously at the program and school services committee meeting — called on TDSB board s
It will now go to a vote of all TDSB trustees at a board meeting on January, 22.” This affects Jewish students as evidenced by a recent study published by the National Institute of Contagion Research at Rutgers University that found DEI programs increase antisemitism; other studies show an increase of racism, not the intended decrease under DEI.
CAEF urges the TDSB trustees to resolve not to promote more DEI nor press for mandTatory certification. Instead, the board should evaluate the impact it is having on staff and students, focus on educational achievement and embrace building positive relationships amongst all and less on identity politics,
Jews Protest at UNICEF
While Jewish children are still being held hostage in Gaza, and before the ceasefire deal, Canadians once again called on UNICEF to visit the Bibas kids. Where has this international agency been throughout the war? Its mandate calls for it to protect innocent children.

Havdallah for the Hostages
January 18, Canadians for Israel gathered in downtown Toronto to honour the end of Shabbat and pray for the hostages. This is the 7th such event coordinated by Lisa Klug.

CAEF Supports B’nai Brith Canada Campaign to Ban the Nazi Swastika
The CAEF Shalom Project Launched
Produced by Fern Quint, and late Charles Cooke board members of CAEF, this ppt presentation was produced for Jewish and non Jewish audiences. It was previewed at a recent Na’amat meeting and received high commendation. CAEF is hoping to have multiple volunteers trained to present in person and virtually for group bookings.
On February 20, it will be presented as part of the educational programming at the Toronto Prosserman JCC. Registration is available here.
CAEF is happy to report cancellation of the Khalifah Conference of Hizb ut-Tahir, a jihad support organization, due to complaints and exposure brought by several Jewish organizations, reported by the National Post and supported by the Global Imam Council. Next, the entity needs to be added to the national terrorists list for its published support for jihad and a global caliphate, undermining Canadian values.