All Canadian Federal political parties should be considering the welfare of all citizens, the increased antisemitism in Canada and the needs and rights of our allies when developing foreign affairs policies. We have identified a few key areas of concern to Canada’s Jewish community and invite your response.
The extreme right, extreme left and Islamism are all causing an increase in Jew-hatred in Canada. Canada’s Jewish community is rightly concerned. Given that the Federal Government has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism, including its illustrative principles. Will your Party implement the IHRA throughout government and all corporate agencies and institutions that are accountable to government? Will you punish antisemitism uonder the IHRA definition as a hate crime?
The Federal Government recently held an Emergency Summit on Antisemitism and received many recommendations, most notably from the Special Envoy on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism. How will your Party act on the recommendations to keep the Jewish community in Canada safe?
Canada reinstated funding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency despite it being proven that UNRWA schools have been used as a cover for terror tunnels and rocket launching against Israeli civilians, and that UNRWA foments Jew hatred with the curriculum they provide to all grades in all their schools, whether in Gaza, the disputed territories, Lebanon. Will you withhold funds from UNRWA if these practices continue, and given Canada’s commitment to fighting terrorism and terror financing.
UNRWA keeps alive the notion that there are millions of Arab refugees from Israel, despite the fact that only about 20,000 individuals are truly refugees by the UN’s own international definition—those left their homes because of conflict and did not or could not return. The balance of the millions of so-called refugees are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th generation, even 6th, of those who left their homes and were either prevented from resettling by UNRWA or discouraged from doing so, or have found settlement in other countries, including Canada, but are still considered “refugees” by UNRWA. This plays a huge part in the ongoing double standard in viewing Israel against any other country or any other conflict. Assigning “refugee” status to descendants of Arabs from former areas of Israel is unique and has allowed for billions of dollars of expenditure towards NOT settling people, whereas all other refugees from countries around the world are assisted by the UN refugee agency at far less expense, and once settled, are no longer considered a refugee. This confusion and double standard exacerbates and lengthens the conflict. Will your Party call a meeting of the Refugee Working Group of which Canada is chair, and finally resolve the matter of who is a true refugee and needs resettlement?
Every country around the world has the right to name its capital city, yet Canada has refused to acknowledge that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, despite recognizing this right for every other country, and the fact that Jerusalem has never been the capital of any other country, is historically the capital of Israel, is the holiest city for Jews, and it is where the Knesset (Parliament of Israel) is located. Will your Party recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the democratic and Jewish State of Israel, and will it move the Canadian embassy to Jerusalem?
Hamas, which controls Gaza, continues to shower rockets on Israel and Israeli civilians, and Israel need respond to protect its citizens, which includes people of all faiths, creeds, colours. Israel, like any other country has an obligation, not just a right, to self-defense an deterrence, to protect its people, and yet comes under regular hostile criticism, based on false reporting, and antisemitic bias. Will your Party continue to provide military and moral support to Israel, speak out on her behalf, condemn the terrorists and leave Israel to broker a peace deal, when and if, there are legitimate and willing Arab parties to such a negotiation?
