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Christians Care—Learn More | CAEF Bulletin, April 15, 2024


CAEF Calls for all Canadians to Stand with Israel, Condemn Iranian Government

In wake of the attack against the Jewish state of Israel by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the ongoing existential threat,  CAEF expresses our unwavering solidarity for Israel and pride in the strength of the people of Israel.   Israel must be empowered and supported by Canada and the international community in its right to defend its people from the genocidal Intentions of the Islamic regime and its terrorist proxies.

The genocidal ruling regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s attack on Israel is an attack on the Western world as a whole.

This is the time for Canada to show support for its democratic ally of Israel by taking concrete action such as finally listing the regime-sponsored Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in its entirety as a terrorist entity and to freeze funding to the terrorist infested UNRWA .  

As the Antisemitism unleashed in the last six months only grows and manifests itself on our streets and our institutions, we call on our allies to come forward and support the Jewish and Israeli community in these troubling times.

In all this, we will not forget the call for the release of the hostages held by Hamas.  Let my people go! 


Christian Zionists Care About Israel—CAEF Celebrates Their Love and Wisdom

CAEF has the pleasure of working with several Christian communities which we greatly appreciate. Evangelical or Bible Believing Christians love Jews and Israel, and work tirelessly through fundraising, advocacy, good deeds, and prayers to serve Israel and support the Jewish people. Read about several amazing Christian organizations, leaders, advocates and friends of the Jewish people, both in Canada and elsewhere.

This is not an exhaustive list. Send more information about Christian entities and individuals to


In Canada, CAEF has a long established relationship with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and at our many rallies, prayer vigils and demonstrations, we have been blessed to have the National Director, Donna Holbrook, speak, accompanied by other key members such as Vice Director, Dr. Wesley Mack. ICEJ co-sponsors our Web Talks, and promotes endless support for Israeli projects, such as care for the elderly, building bomb shelters, and planting trees.

Visit their website here

Watch Donna Holbrook at Let My People Go Rally, April 7th, 2024

The Israel Guys - by Hayovel

In 2023, CAEF established a relationship with HaYovel, The Israel Guys, and conducted a webinar with Luke Hilton, which you can view here. The Israel Guys have organized an Israel Summit for May in Nashville, that features several outstanding Israeli spokespeople, including Yishai Fleisher, Nati Rom, MK Ohad Tal, Luke Hilton, and others.

To our Christian friends: We hope you will consider attending and increasing your knowledge and support of Israel and its people.

The Israel Summit -

Grace Life Center Logo

In Toronto, CAEF had the distinct pleasure of being one of two Jewish organizations to co-sponsor an interfaith prayer program at Scarborough Grace Life Center in October, and to learn of other Christian churches that bring forth their light and love for Israel on a regular basis. We thank Molly and Jay Banerjei for involving CAEF and for their friendship and presence at many community support events.

Israel Allies Foundation - Logo

The Israel Allies Foundation, a global organization, headed by Josh Reinstein, its President and the Director of Knesset Christian Allies Caucus has the following mission: to “educate and empower legislators to support Israel.” One of their current advocacy campaigns is calling for the dismantling of UNRWA, recognizing its support for the barbarism and cruelty that is Hamas.

Learn more at the IAF website.

Friends if Jesus Christ Logo

Israel Rejoicing is an annual celebration of love for Israel through song and dance, performed by a wonderful chorus and soloists, and danced by the troupe at Friends of Jesus Christ, Canada, a Scarborough based church, mostly of Filipinos who migrated to Canada in the late 1980s and mid-1990s. 

Founded and led by Pastor Teck Uy since 1991, the church has devotedly and joyfully performed Israeli songs and dances each August, showering the community, and especially Jewish guests, with brotherly/sisterly love, adding strength to combating antisemitism.

European Coalition for Israel Logo

The European Coalition for Israel, is a Christian initiative, founded by Thomas Sandell in 2003 in Brussels.

In January, EC4I held an emergency meeting for Israel and in April, it held a conference with 20 young Christian leaders from 15 different countries, in recognition of the following: “The tide of opinion among Generation Z (those born between 1997 and 2007) is clearly turning towards the support of the Palestinian cause and there is very little understanding or sympathy for Israel. But, through better education, mobilisation and mentoring of future leaders, we plan on changing that”, Sandell said.

The April Report has information about diplomatic meetings of ECI with various governments and promising news about the current government of Italy’s new view and pride in historic role regarding Israel. To quote from the Report, “While previous generations of Italian political leaders have paid little or no attention to the role of Italy in paving the way for the reconstitution of the Jewish state, this government considers it a badge of honour and are actively supporting ECI’s efforts to preserve the legacy of the San Remo Peace Conference.”

Read about a global campaign #churchesagainstantisemitism organized by EC4I and The International Coalition for Israel, and more.

Title Deed Media

Hugh Kitson, a film maker, writer, and director has been producing films about Israel and the Jewish people for over 30 years. CAEF best knows him for producing of an amazing series of documentaries under the title, Whose Land? which now has 17 episodes, for which he was featured in a Web Talk which you can view here.

Kitson is a member of Christian Friends of Israel, UK and founder of Title Deed Media. The series features exemplary speakers and is narrated by Col. (res.) Richard Kemp, and is available for screenings.

thinc logo

Think thinc. when looking for legal expertise on Israel’s rights. The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation, (thinc.) is a global network of international law academics, practitioners and experts in related disciplines. Founded in 2017 in The Hague – the global capital of international law its mandate is to challenge the misuse of international law to delegitimize the State of Israel and advocate international law for peace and security between Israel and her neighbors.

Headed by Andrew Tucker, an Australian lawyer with degrees also from the UK and the Netherlands, thinc. has a diverse team of experts, with an impressive advisory board, doing research and drafting educational programs, legal interventions, and advocacy with a global reach. In the fight against global injustices against Israel, access this impressive organization.

Douglas Murray, Stalwart Supporter of Israel, Urges-- Don’t Give Up!

Honoured by the Government of Israel, presented an award of appreciation by the President and Minister of the Diaspora, Murray encourages people to continue to speak up, even when facing opposition; and he points out the media is biased. Mainstream media have been ignoring the conflicts around the world, death and destruction wrought by Islamists in many

Non Jewish Canadian Stands up for Israel and Jews

In the Toronto Sun, April 11th, Michael Osborne, a non-Jew writes:

We cannot sit this out. If we remain silent, if we do not stand up to this tsunami of hate here in Canada, then haters are exactly what we will become. To be silent is to acquiesce; to remain neutral is to become complicit in a vile refashioning of our society.”

Osborne, a local lawyer exclaims clearly that to ignore the massacre in Israel and the antisemitic fallout since October 7, 2023 is to be complicit and to set the stage for a Canada we don’t ever want to see. In Germany, pre-WWII, too many ignored the signs, too many were silent or joined the cacophony of lies and their hatred grew, and the “lessons learned” seem to have been quickly unlearned as we see burgeoning Jew hatred in the streets of Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and elsewhere. Instead of grieving with the Jews or consoling one’s Jewish neighbours, many have shut their eyes, shut their doors, shut their hearts or fallen into the morass of blaming the victims. The Canadian government is in part doing the latter, calling for a ceasefire from Israel when it is Hamas that chose to kill and maim, holds hostages, uses human shields and build rockets not peace.

Tell Hamas to release all hostages and surrender, and let Israel destroy all of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad and all other terrorist entities, in the name of civilization and liberty.  There is nothing about Hamas that desires peace with Israel—it sole goal is the eradication of Israel

Upstander Canada Logo

Upstanders Canada

In November, 2023, Pat Johnson, founder of Upstanders, spoke at Temple Shalom in Vancouver, regarding the importance of non-Jews standing with the Jews. We shared the website in the last CAEF Bulletin but here it is again. Send this to your non-Jewish friends and encourage their joining and being part of a movement in Canada that defends not only the Jewish community but our common humanity. “Never Again” must mean something - Be an Upstander!

Watch Pat Johnson on Standing Up to Antisemitism.

African Jewish Alliance Logo

The Jewish Leadership Project, co-founded by Charles Jacobs and Avi Goldwasser, is promoting the African-Jewish Alliance, which brings Jews and Africans of Christian and Muslim faith together to fight a common enemy-Islamism and jihadism. The founders are an informed group of Black Americans and Africans, some of whom have experienced Islamist violence.

Visit the website, and sign up.

Read and share this resolution, a crucial alternative to the nonsensical, antisemitic ceasefire resolutions being pushed by protesters at civic meetings.


The Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI) founded by CEO Pastor Dumasani Washington, stands apart from many pro-Israel organizations in its unique and focused approach to bringing African Americans into the pro-Israel camp with facts, music and prayers. Pastor Washington, his son Joshua Washington, and daughter-in-law, Olga Meshoe Washington, are extraordinary speakers and activists for Israel.

Pastor Washington’s book, Zionism & the Black Church: Why Standing with Israel Will be a Defining Issue for Christians of Color in the 21st Century, brings history to life, as it documents Jewish contributions to enhancing the life and opportunities of Black Americans. IBSI condemns the “Zionism is racism” ideology; defends Israel’s right to live in peace with its Arab neighbors; and seeks to help cultivate a mutually beneficial Israel-Africa alliance. 

Read IBSI website and Order Dumasani Washington’s book from Amazon.

Zionism and The Black Church: Why Standing with Israel Will be a Defining Issue for Christians of Color in the 21st Century

Dr. Jacques Gauthier, leading international lawyer on Israel’s legal rights was featured in the last CAEF Bulletin. However, the link to his tremendous published dissertation did not work. Apologies. Here is the correct link. Download the manuscript and its well documented sources. Allow a few moments for the download, which is access via the National Library of Israel.

Sovereignty over the Old City of Jerusalem


Do NOT Doubt that the Palestinian Authority Supports Hamas and Terrorism, Report from Regavim

Regavim Logo

Officers by Day, Terrorists by Night

Read the full report, Officers by Day, Terrorists by Night.  Share it—send to your MP, MPP, city Councillor, and media.


Are we ready to Celebrate? Good News Coming--Normalization with Indonesia

Hana Levi Julian in Jewish Press on April 11, 2024 writes about negotiations between Indonesia and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that involves Israel, a member of the OECD. All 38 member states must approve any new members and Israel is a member. This means that Indonesia must establish positive relations with Israel in order to qualify for membership which it is pursuing.


Advocacy and Action

Dogan Akman analyzes the NDP initiated anti-Israel motion adopted by the Liberals and NDP, March 18, 2024. Here is an excerpt:

"As to be expected, the motion was full of anti-Israeli diatribe which was wholly unacceptable to the Conservative Party of Canada and, as to be expected, readily acceptable to the Green Party and The Bloc Quebecois. 

The Liberal Party, on the other hand, badly divided on the Hamas-Israeli conflict but desperate to vote in support of the kind of motion that was ultimately framed, engaged in furious negotiations with the NDP to get rid of or modify the clauses it could not stomach. Having managed to convince the NDP to get rid of the objectionable clauses, save for three of its members, triumphantly voted for it."

Letter to the U of T student newspaper, The Varsity, from Richard Sherman, re: lies about Israel in Gaza.

Canadians—Take Action. Sign this petition to call on Government of Canada to add Samidoun to the list of terrorist organizations.

CAEF has filed over 10 Freedom of Information Requests with 10 Ontario school boards requesting all documentation related to the following, and will share results with the community and our major organizations:

  1. All records relating to incidents of antisemitism at any school operated by the Board.

  2. All records relating to incidents of Islamophobia at any school operated by the Board.

  3. All records relating to political demonstrations or walkouts relating to the State of Israel at any school operated by the Board, or involving any students of staff of the Board.

  4. All records in the custody or under the control of the Board created or received since January 1, 2020, relating to recognition, commemoration, or acknowledgement by the Board of the Nakba Remembrance Day or the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People or similarly described days.


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