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CAEF Letter to Premier Ford and Minister Dunlop, Sept 26, 2024


Premier Doug Ford

Minister Jill Dunlop

Government of Ontario

Dear Premier Ford and Minister Dunlop;

I am writing on behalf of the Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation. CAEF is a Canadian charitable organization that advocates and educates for a society free of hate.

It has come to our attention that the Palestinian Authority which teaches Palestinian Arab children to hate Israel, kill Jews and deny the existence of the State of Israel is offering its curriculum to children who recently arrived in Canada from Gaza. This offer was expressed by Ms Mona Abuamara, Chief Representative of the Palestinian Delegation to Canada. There is ample proof that the curriculum, delivered in UNRWA schools is supporting terrorism, as documented by the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research and IMPACT-se, and other credible NGOs.

This offer is extremely concerning not only to the Ontario Jewish community but will be to all Ontario parents who do not wish to see hate and bigotry and political propaganda offered up as “education”.

The steep rise of antisemitism, violence and vandalism directed to the Jewish community is appalling and frightening. Frankly, much of the hate displayed on our streets and campuses is already driven by hate taught by the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, Judea and Samaria and even in schools they operate in Jerusalem. This material has found its way into Canadian media and NGOs that oppose the existence of Israel.

We cannot allow this hate to metastasize in Ontario. This curriculum is contrary to the best of Ontario and Canadian values of tolerance and equality. We cannot afford to permit the Palestinian Arab curriculum to be taught in Ontario. Such teaching is fraught with great risk.

CAEF reminds you that the IHRA definition of antisemitism which was adopted by the Ontario legislature equated anti-Zionism with antisemitism. Thus, there is grave concern that such curriculum will be deeply contrary to the IHRA definition of antisemitism and to Ministry of Education guidelines.

As has been said by other leaders of the Jewish community, “This curriculum has been widely condemned for spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories and hate, rejecting a two-state solution, and inserting examples of violence into subjects like science and math. Supporting newcomers and refugees is an integral part of Canadian values, but allowing hateful curriculum to be taught on Canadian soil is blatantly inappropriate.”

We are deeply concerned that an independently taught Palestinian Authority curriculum will only contribute to the terrible antisemitic environment in which we find ourselves in Ontario. This will not be good for social cohesion in this province and the safety of our children.

As has been reported, “In April, the European Union condemned the PA curriculum for promoting hatred against Israel. The EU Parliament’s document “condemns the problematic and hateful contents encouraging violence, spreading antisemitism and inciting hatred in Palestinian school textbooks, drafted by (European) Union-funded civil servants as well as in supplementary educational materials developed by UNRWA staff and taught in its schools.” Palestinian textbooks have faced widespread criticism for fostering radicalization, antisemitism, glorifying terrorism and erasing Israel’s existence among generations of students in Gaza and the West Bank.”

We very strongly request that this Palestinian curriculum not be permitted to be taught in Ontario.

Yours very truly,

Charles Cooke, CAEF Government Relations Representative


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