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Antisemitism Across Countries | CAEF Bulletin, December 16, 2024


CAEF Concerned with Canada’s Funding UNRWA

For several years, it has been well known that text books used in UNRWA schools within Israel, Gaza, Judea and Samaria, were Palestinian Authority approved, and rife with Jew hatred, and calling for violence against the State of Israel. Summer camps for Arab kids in Gaza, operated by UNRWA were, as shown by films produced by the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, to have been run by Hamas. CAEF has provided small grants to the Center to help fund the “documentary project.”

Read this report on UNRWA’s nefarious involvement in terror.

When donating to CAEF online at Canada Helps, donors may choose among important CAEF projects, or to CAEF’s General Fund which supports many activities including webinars, website resources such as our Educational Resources, CAEF Bulletin, the Social Work research and advocacy project which has been documenting antisemitism in Social Work and Social Service Worker curriculum.

On numerous occasions, CAEF has sent reports to all members of Federal Parliament calling on the Government of Canada to cease funding UNRWA, acknowledging its contribution to hatred and terrorism. Since October 7, a lot of evidence has come to light about UNRWA teachers’ participating with Hamas in the massacre, and their complicity in kidnapping and attacks on Israelis. UNRWA sites were covers for Hamas operations in Gaza and many UNRWA teachers (not merely 10 as UNRWA Execs suggests) have posted horrendous antisemitic material, participated in the massacre in Israel and of course called for the eradication of Israel.

Why then has the Senate of Canada recommended funding UNRWA when other countries have reduced or withdrawn funding? Why did the current government increase funding at least twice since October 7th, when all the education materials show that this NGO is not meeting the UN’s own policy of teaching coexistence?

Watch the Bedein Center’s latest documentary, UNWRA at War.


That the Government of Canada lead with like-minded international partners to advocate for mandatory, proportional contributions from United Nations member states to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), ensuring that both agencies have stable and sufficient funding over the long term.


That the Government of Canada increase voluntary, unearmarked contributions to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and encourage other countries to do the same.

Call for amendments to these two recommendations which essentially call for funding a terror supporting NGO which has been rejected by the Israeli government and told to leave the country.


A Letter from IBSI to CAEF

The Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation is sincerely grateful for the wonderful support the Israel and the Jewish people receive from the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI) and recommend viewing their website, listening to podcasts and reading the book, written by IBSI’s founder, Pastor Dumasani Washington.

Joshua Washington, Executive Director of IBSI and a talented musician, has produced a song for the Jewish celebration of Chanukah. Joshua, under the name JoDavi,  composes songs and produces, and sent this message: “ Several years ago, I had this thought: some of the most popular Christmas music was written by Jewish composers. From that thought, I had an idea to make an album of original Hanukkah music written by non-Jewish composers like myself.

This year, I finally put my hands to the plow, reached out to my brother and co-producer, and we wrote this together. This is our very first Hanukkah single called ‘We Remember.’

It will be a part of a larger album project that we will release next year called ‘Returning the Favor’ followed by a Hanukkah tour. Please take a listen, and share it with your friends and family this Hanukkah season!

Listen Now:

Antisemitism Continues to Spread in Australia and South Africa

CAEF notes with alarm that Jewish communities across the globe are experiencing increased levels of Jew hatred, including dangerous attacks on Jewish institutions and threats to the well-being of Jews.

The Australian government’s positions have been unbalanced, flawed, anti-Israel and therefore antisemitic. Read here.

A synagogue in Melbourne was fire bombed, and yet the government continues to look askance at antisemitism but not take responsibility for it.

South Africa’s government led the charge against Israel at the International Criminal Court while antisemitism grows in that country. The current SA government has moved far from the position of Nelson Mandela who supported Israel’s right to exist.

"We insist on the right of the State of Israel to exist..." - Nelson Mandela

Cyrus the Great’s Legacy Brings Jews and Iranians Together

The first human rights declaration was written by Cyrus the Great over 2500 years ago. It granted freedom of religion and equal justice under the law. When Cyrus the Great created the Persian Empire, it freed the Jews from Babylonian oppression, allowing them to return to Israel and build the second temple.

The International Coalition Against Racism Everywhere (ICARE) was founded by Salman Sima on the belief in people and the actions they take towards freedom, peace and combating racism. ICARE believes that freedom loving people of the world should work towards peace in the Middle East, especially between a free Iran and Israel. On December 15th ICARE, CAEF, Tafsik and Canadians for Israel brought together members of both Jewish and Iranian communities to stand for peace, for human rights for all people, and to build a strong alliance for freedom for Iranians and victory for the Israel in the mutual battle against the forces of Islamism driven by the IRGC of the Islamic State and its many proxies.

Speakers at the event promoted the alliance of two communities, and emphasized that many others are affected by Islamism and are natural allies, including the Hindu and Yezidi communities. Daniel Bordman, an outspoken activist, podcaster, and a Jewish ally with the Iranian community, presented the following declaration signed by over a hundred participants.

Cyrus the Great Initiative

We the people, in support of liberty and prosperity, believe that peace between two ancient civilizations, Iran and Israel, is attainable within our lifetime. By signing on to the following principles, we stand united in building the foundation of the future Cyrus Accords:

  1. The Islamic Republic is an illegitimate regime occupying Iran. Sustainable peace between Iran and Israel is only possible with the downfall of the regime.

  2. The radical ideologies of communism and Islamism, that ruined Iran in the 1979 revolt, are a catalyst for chaos and must be rejected.

  3. The future of Iran must be determined by the people of Iran. Iran’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and current borders must be respected.

  4. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) runs the world's largest terrorist network. The IRGC and all of its proxy groups (Hamas, Hezbollah, PIJ, Houthis, etc.) should all be recognized as terrorist organizations.

  5. Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people and has the right to exist as a nation.

  6. Israel has the right to win the war against terrorist organizations.

  7. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Collage from iCare Event

Emily Schrader a Hit in Toronto, Correctly Identified the Head of the Snake

Read Dave Gordon’s Interview with Schrader and report on the evening program presented by CAEF, CFI, Tafsik, AVI and OneGlobalVoice.


CAEF at Allied Voices for Israel Event

Andria Spindel, Executive Director, Michael Teper, VP, Yoseph Hadad, guest speaker, Daphna Pollak, Canadians for Israel, Avi Attali, CAEF board member,  Anita Bromberg, President.
Andria Spindel, Executive Director, Michael Teper, VP, Yoseph Hadad, guest speaker, Daphna Pollak, Canadians for Israel, Avi Attali, CAEF board member,  Anita Bromberg, President.

Recommended Reading

Read Jonathan Tobin, Editor in Chief, JNS on the American national strategy on countering anti-Muslim,  anti-Arab hate, on the false equivalency with antisemitism

Read CTV News story of Mounties arresting a Quebec man for hate speech.

Read Bruce Bawer for Front Page Magazine, Dec 5, 2024.

ZOA endorses bill by Senator Tom Cotton to ban use of “West Bank” in favour of the real name, Judea and Samaria.

Nachum Kaplan, writing in his substack, Moral Clarity, points out the rise of antisemitism in English speaking countries, doesn’t bode well for the future of democracies.

Read article by Amy Rosenthal, in JNS on how Palestine has been introduced into curriculum across the board at universities though Palestine does not exist.

Read Daniel Greenfield in JNS, Everything in the Middle East Means the Opposite, and as Syria is liberated from one terrorist, who will now liberate it from the new terrorists?

Read about Ottawa trial for man accused of terrorism and  hate propaganda.


Recommended Viewing

Watch this video on the Muslim obsession with Israel, and subscribe to Oren’s channel, Travel Israel. This Israeli travel guide, writer and youtuber brings truth to all issues in and about Israel, and a wealth of historical information. In this video Oren asks significant questions: Why no protests against Yemen Muslim’s murder of 500,000 Muslims? Why no demonstrations protesting murder of Christians by Muslim radicals in Nigeria?

Watch TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) on the use of Hamas data by media that distorts death toll and other information about the situation in Gaza, and an update on ceasefire negotiations.

Watch video explaining how DEI negatively impacts Hindus in America. Speakers quote the extensive research conducted by the National Contagion Research Institute at Rutgers University, that also produced a report on how DEI negatively impacts Jews. Jews and Hindus are allies in combating the harms caused by DEI.

Watch Avi Abelow’s interview with Alyza Lewin, President of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, at IAC Summit, on advice for Jewish students going to university in America.

Watch J-TVs Oliver Anisfeld’s interview with an Israeli Arab telling the truth about the Nakba and other lies.


Ben Freeman on Jewish Pride, Part 3

CAEF is pleased to share information about an event featuring noted author, activist and founder of the Jewish pride movement, Ben Freeman, speaking as part of a series presented by Kolot Mayim, a Victoria, BC congregation. Ben will speak about the third book in his trilogy, set to be released in February 2025,  Building Jewish Pride and Recognizing Jewish Indigeneity.

All webinars are free and occur monthly on select Sundays at 11:00 AM PT on Zoom. Pre-registration is required. A recording of the talk will be provided to all who register. Here is a link to register.

Kolot Mayim, meaning "Voices of the Water" in Hebrew, is Victoria BC's Reform Jewish Congregation. Founded in 1998, Kolot Mayim is a diverse congregation dedicated to Jewish continuity, with a strong focus on learning about, practicing and celebrating Jewish life.


Advocacy and Action

Read Letters from Award winning letter writing CAMERA champion, Richard Sherman.

Read letter to NY Times, Dec 5 from Richard Sherman.

Read letter from Richard Sherman to McGill student paper on threats of BDS to the Jews.


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