Don’t Let History Repeat Itself, a Message for Tisha B’av
CAEF was one of several presenting sponsors of the Canadian premiere of newly released film, Legend of Destructionby Israeli film maker, Gidi Dar, on August 11th. The film’s English release was timed to be seen in relation to the message of Tisha B’av 2024. Not only do we mourn the Second Temple, destroyed by the Romans, but we are awakened to the message damning infighting among Jews, and how this ultimately led to the Roman onslaught.
Read Jackie Hajdenberg in the Times of Israel, August 11, outlining how the social, political, religious divides in Israel can be seen in the context of the war that devastated the Jews in 70 CE.
Rabbi David Stav, Founder of Tzohar and Chief Rabbi of Shoham, spoke via Zoom from Israel after the film, and pointed out that the destruction of the temple didn‘t happen spontaneously but events led up to it, and it needs to be understood that events led up to October 7th also. Rav Stav promotes programs of dialogue and mutual understanding across all segments of Israeli society, and urges the same among Jews globally.
Standing up to the International Criminal Court
John Spencer, chair of urban warfare studies at West Point’s Modern War Institute, shared this article by Leandro Fleischer, the community manager of Voz Media. Spencer is a renowned expert in his field. The document published on Voz Media is an important read for everyone who wants to understand the bias and ineptitude of the International Criminal Court in its assessment and judgments against Israel and the IDF.
Read this excerpt:
“A group of military experts, known as the High Level Military Group (HLMG), has submitted a report to the International Criminal Court (ICC) challenging allegations of war crimes against the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in its war against Hamas and other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. It also pushes back against arrest requests for leaders of the Jewish state, such as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.”
What Food Crisis in Gaza?
Despite much data to the contrary, the Western media, “fed” by Hamas and the UN, are regularly repeating a libel. Israel has not starved Gazans and has not withheld food, though many who want the war to end think that might serve as a useful tactic. Rather, Israel has over-provided food and humanitarian aid, only to see much of it stolen by Hamas.
Read excerpt from article by Sheree Trotter, historian, co-founder of the Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem, writing for the New Zealand Israel Institute:
“Recent research by the Institute for National Security Studies has demonstrated that UN reports have knowingly created a distorted picture of the situation and led to unfounded accusations against Israel of intentionally causing starvation.”
Venezuela’s Illegal Leader Makes Truly Antisemitic and Laughable Claim
Nicolas Maduro is largely known to have stolen the election in Venezuela, maintaining his grip as dictator of the small South American country from which over seven million people have fled. He has created refugees from his own nation and increased poverty, signed alliances with the axis of evil around Iran-Russia-China and diminished the status of his country in the West.
Now look at who he blames for unrest on the streets of Venezuela. As Hana Levi Julian reported in the Jewish Press on August 8, Maduro claimed, “All the communication power of Zionism, who controls all social networks, the satellites, and all the power behind this coup d’état,” were responsible for the massive protests over the disputed election results.
Israel Punishes Norway for Abandoning the State in its War with Hamas
David Isaac reports in the Jewish Press, August 8, that Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz revoked the diplomatic status of eight Norwegian representatives and gave them three months’ notice to leave. “There is a price for anti-Israel behavior,” he said, adding that “Instead of fighting Palestinian terrorism after October 7 and supporting Israel fighting against Iran’s evil axis, Norway chose to award the rapists and murderers of Hamas in the form of recognition of a Palestinian state.”
Friends with Enemies in Common

CAEF is proudly working with several Hindu organizations that are supportive of Israel and the Jewish people while also combating their own experience of religious hatred and intolerance at unprecedented levels in Canada and the U.S. Just as the leaders and members of organizations, such as the Coalition of Hindus of North America, have shown up at pro-Israel rallies, spoken out against anti-Zionism and expressed deep concern about the impact of leftism/Islamism and the spreading of woke ideology which encourages racist divisions, we must stand with their community against the scourge of Hinduphobia.
Below is an excerpt from a recent message posted by CoHNA:
“We recently witnessed a public event in Calgary that glorified the terrorists behind one of the largest mass-murders ever planned on Canadian soil: the bombing of Air India Flight 182. More alarming than the event itself was the apparent support it received from Alberta’s Premier and Calgary's mayor, lending an unspeakable air of legitimacy to its celebration of terrorism and hate.
“This is merely the latest escalation in a trend of increasing Hinduphobia across North America. In recent weeks, yet another Hindu temple was targeted in Edmonton, while a Khalistani separatist told Chandra Arya, a democratically elected Hindu-Canadian leader, to ‘go back to India’ ….”
Please support the CoHNA email campaign regarding the carnage going on in Bangladesh against Hindus. Click and sign the letter to your local MP.
Toronto Rally to Save Hindus in Bangladesh, August 10, 2024

A Community Rally May Have Missed the Mark
Toronto journalist and activist Dave Gordon describes a recent community meeting that attracted over 1,000 people and provided 13 speakers representing major senior levels of government, major political parties, Toronto police and the City of Toronto. His analysis identifies how this event was a “missed opportunity” and he gives credit to CAEF, a co-sponsor of the Evening of Solidarity Against Hate, for providing each speaker with a letter listing concrete proposals to address antisemitism.
Do Palestinian Arabs Want an Independent State?
Watch two videos that respond to this question. One must ask why academics, students, politicians and liberal media continue to push for a solution to the Israel-Palestinian Arab conflict that the Arabs themselves do not support.
Watch video with Israeli Tour Guide, 10 Questions Pro-Palestinians can’t answer
Watch a panel of experts on the Danger of Palestinian Statehood
“The event, moderated by Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, featured prominent voices in conservative national security circles, including James Carafano of the Heritage Foundation, Ilan Berman of the American Foreign Policy Council, andMichael Doran of the Hudson Institute, Dr. David Wurmser of the Center for Security Policy and Clifford May of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.”
UNRWA Continues to Receive Support and to Train Killers
Gregg Roman, director of the Middle East Forum, wrote a blistering message to the Western countries that continue to ignore the reality – the undeniable facts that UNRWA has supported Hamas and is interconnected with more than a few known terrorists on its payroll.
Read excerpt from the Middle East Forum Observer, published August 6, 2024:
“The UN’s August 5 announcement that it fired additional employees from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for possible involvement in Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks against Israel is meaningless propaganda. UNRWA has supported Palestinian terrorism for years before Oct. 7 by allowing Hamas to tunnel under its facilities, producing viciously antisemitic curricular material advocating violence against Jews, and supporting a workforce in which ten percent of employees have ties to terrorist groups, according to Israeli estimates.”
Recommended Reading
Read article about a new book by Daniel Pipes. In his new book, Israel Victory: How Zionists Win Acceptance and Palestinians Get Liberated, analyst Daniel Pipes argues that the Jewish state’s historic willingness to compromise will not lead to an end to conflict; only defeat of the enemy will.
Read interview in National Post of Deborah Lyons, Special Envoy on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism.
Read Warren Kinsella in the Toronto Sun on Ottawa’s ignoring questionable pro-Palestinian charities with connection to terrorism.
Read article on i24News, about highest rates and increasing antisemitism in Canada.
Read about Nassau County passing a ban on public masking at protests.
Read how journalists have omitted stories of Islamic State sexual slavery of Yezidi women in order to deny that the same happened to Israeli women.

For immediate release: CAEF and Many Others Sign Letter Initiated by United Against Hate Canada to the Hon. Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of Canada: An Open Letter Concerning Turkiye.
CAEF’S Hineni Project Gains Exposure: Combating Antisemitism in Social Work
For almost three years, a CAEF project has documented and reported on outstanding examples of antisemitism in the curriculum and teaching within social work faculties across Canada. This research has been supported by academics and practitioners reporting examples from the U.S. Since the curriculum is interconnected in both countries, a recent petition was posted, directed at both social work curriculum associations that disseminate the requisite curriculum.
Read how the University of Southern California has referenced this study as it grapples with antisemitism in social work: Addressing Anti-Semitism | Trending Issues | USC Social Work
We Remember the Nazi Genocide of the Roma
The Nazis were determined to eradicate all peoples whom they labelled inferior or worse, including the Roma people of Europe. On August 2, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance issued a statement memorializing the 80thanniversary of the genocide of the Roma and Sinti people and condemning the present challenges of antigypsyism. Jews and Roma were condemned to the same fate and must stand together to continue to eliminate hatred.
Reflection from Israel on Self-hating, Anti-Israel Jews
As we prepare for Tisha B’av, Shalom Pollack, author and Israeli tour guide, wrote the opinion piece below

Not a week passes in Israel without another shocking, unexplainable news item.
I am not referring to the threat of a massive multi-front attack on the Jewish state or any other external threats such as the latest from Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan to invade. The daily threat of terror on our roads, streets and schools is also not new or surprising.
The fact that Russia, China and North Korea are closing ranks with Iran to destroy Israel also does not surprise. Have we not become accustomed to the nations of the world (the UN) closing ranks always against only one country?
Nothing new.
To witness the nations of the world boycott and unite to drag the country of the Jews to be pilloried before the “world court of justice” is also not a new phenomenon. Christianity and Islam had their go at the Jews and now their descendants are maintaining a tradition.
Nothing new.
Despite all of the above and more, our tiny nation has continued to prosper, ingathering Jews from every corner of the world and enjoying the highest birth rates in the industrial world. While facing unrelenting and increasing assaults on Israel from every corner and on every level, Jewish civilization remains steadfast in her role as super-contributor to the welfare of that same Jew-hating world.
A relatively few righteous non-Jews openly admire us for this unexplainable success and generosity while most bear an uncontrollable hate for us for just this reason.
The above is history: ancient, current and probably future as recounted and predicted in the Tanach.
As students of history, we need not be surprised by any of it.
What is more difficult to digest and understand are the self-hating Jews who join our enemies in their war against the Jewish nation. Yes, this too is an historical phenomenon and recounted in the Tanakh as well, I know. But still.
Advocacy and Action
CAEF Letter to Dominic Leblanc Re: Make glorifying terrorism a criminal offence.
Letter to the New York Times from Richard Sherman addressing criticism of Israel for striking out leaders of Islamist terrorism and perpetrators of October 7 massacre.
Letter from Richard Sherman to the New Yorker, calling out the base lies and denial of sexual violence of Hamas on October 7th by a journalist they chose to publish.
Letter from Richard Sherman to the New York Times calling out anti-Zionism as denying Zionism is denying Judaism.
Larry Shapiro writes to the Hill Times about their distortion on describing the War.