A Pilot Research Study Exploring the Experience of Jewish
Social Work Students in Canada
Sponsored by Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation
Call for participants: seeking Jewish social work students currently enrolled in social work programs in Canada as well as those who have graduated within the last five years.
Study Protocol: This qualitative research study will explore the experience of Canadian Jewish social work students in the context of a politicized campus environment, collecting first-person accounts from students and recent graduates about their academic experiences in relation to their Jewish identities. Students can provide general feedback about their experience in social work education and/or report on specific incidents that occurred which give the flavour of their experience. Consent is implied by participation in this research.
Participants are invited to share readings, PowerPoint slides, course syllabi, journals or other documents that have bearing. Complete written responses are requested and participants may request or be invited to participate in an additional online or phone interview.
Data Analysis: A qualitative analysis will be performed on the data, reviewing common themes provided by participants. The final report will be shared with national social work organizations involved in curriculum planning and with Jewish community organizations.
Confidentiality: Anonymity of participants is paramount and participants’ privacy will be protected. Pseudonyms will be used in writing up and recounting reports and specific educational institutions will not be named.
How to get involved: if you are a current social work student or a recent graduate, participate in the survey here. Please complete the survey with as much detail as possible. You may be contacted by the researcher if an additional interview is warranted. Those who would like to contact the researcher directly may email research@caef.ca
Some participants may prefer to be interviewed. Participants who choose to be interviewed will have an opportunity to review and approve the written interview summary prepared by the researcher.