Important Teach-In Co-Sponsored by Speakers Action Group – March 17, 2019 - Register now!
Our organization is joining with several other organizations to co-sponsor an important Toronto-based Teach-In on the Rule of Law, the foundation of Canadian society, as well as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Please read the following announcement. Join other courageous Canadians who want to help defend our freedoms. Fighting antisemitism begins with defending freedom for all.
Please pass this opportunity on to your friends and colleagues.

The New Taboo: Respect for the Rule of Law in Canada
Sunday March 17, 2019
8:30 AM – 4:15 PM
Many Canadians seek to better understand what are their rights in law and how these rights and free speech itself can be understood and protected. There are organizations and “political tribes” that threaten the Rule of Law in Canada. This national Teach-In program will feature extensive, in-depth and sensitive content about who those disruptors are, the threats they pose to traditional respect for the rule of law, and how new measures can be taken by law-abiding Canadians to address these threats. Come expecting to hear powerful confidential briefings and empowering details about lawfare, public and private prosecutions, government relations, outing terrorists, campus free speech pledges and much more.